
Freeman Cebu Sports

10th World Arnis Championships: Pinoys lead early charge

- Caecent No-ot Magsumbol, Marigold Lebumfacil -

Team Philippines opened its bid to regain the throne it lost six years ago in grand fashion, picking up 20 gold and three silver medals at the start of the 10th World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation (WEKAF) Championships yesterday at the Ayala Center Cebu Activity Center.

The Pinoy arnisadors took most of their golds in the traditional single weapon with nine. They also hauled five gilts in the traditional double weapon and four in the non-traditional single weapon.

The youthful Jhon Limutan led RP’s charge in with two golds and a silver in the sayaw or forms event.

Limotan won the boys 12-13 traditional double weapon with the score of 8.3 points, edging out William Montgomery of Canada who got 8.16 points. He also got a silver in the non-traditional double weapon won by Pierce Armstrong of defending champion United States of America.

Two other Limotans, Junrey and Jonel, also desposited golds in RP’s treasure vault. Junrey topped the boys 16-17 traditional single weapon, while Jonel reigning supreme in the boys 10-11 class.

Like Jhon Limotan, Jenny Quimque also won a double gold via the boys 12-13 non-traditional open single and double weapons.

The Tacorong native-Rochel Quirol grabbed part of limelight after winning the fancied Australian Tamara Delorenzi in the girls 18-39 traditional double stick event.

Quirol, one of RP’s representatives during arnis exhibition in the 23rd SEA Games, made her debut in the world championships extra special by winning the gold with an almost perfect 9.7 points. Delorenzi finished second with 8.9 points followed by Canada ’s Thursica Korinthen with 8.5 points.

Chealsea Pableo, daughter of Grandmaster candidate Val Pableo, was unopposed in the girls 10-11 traditional single weapon and bagged the gold with 8.6 points. Gabrielle Borces topped the girls 12-13 non-traditional single weapon, while Frank Borces ruled the boys 10-11 non-traditional open single weapon.

The other Pinoys who raked in golds were Fiona Mendoza and Christian Manahay (girls and boys 16-17 traditional open single weapon), Kyle Apaap (boys 10-under traditional single weapon), Jhon Lumapas (boys 14-15 traditional single weapon) and Ariel Caparoso (boys 16-17 traditional single weapon).

Not to be outdone, Claire Racao stamped he class in the girls 10-under single weapon, even as Jedah Mosqueda lorded it over in the 10-11 non-traditional open double stick. Mary Arcilla was the best in the 12-13 non- traditional open single, Arlene Arresti in the traditional single weapon, Irene Apisto in the traditional single stick and Irish Arresto in the girls 16-17 traditional double weapon.

In the overall standings, USA is a far second with 10 golds and five bronzes, while Canada is at the momentary third place with three golds, four silvers, and two bronzes.

India is running fourth with three golds and a silver, while England and Australia stand with a silver each for the joint fifth and sixth spots.

Action resumes today with the action-packed sparring competition.

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