
Cebu News

Project to surpass 2023 figures: 2024 rabies cases on the rise

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman
Project to surpass 2023 figures: 2024 rabies cases on the rise
Currently, the number of dogs with rabies has already reached 11 at the end of April.
Philstar.com / File

CEBU, Philippines — Rabies cases in Cebu City so far this year are projected to surpass next year’s total figures if pet owners do not do their part.

Currently, the number of dogs with rabies has already reached 11 at the end of April. These cases were noted in Barangays Cogon-Pardo, Basak-San Nicolas, Tisa, Carreta, Barrio Luz, Mabolo, and Lahug.

For the whole of last year there were only 17 recorded rabies cases.

“Subo g’yud karun kay nisaka g’yud atong kaso,” Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF) head, Dr. Jessica Maribojoc, said through the city’s RMN-Sugboanon channel.

With eight months left in the year, the DVMF is worried the number of rabies cases will surpass those of last year.

To prevent this from happening, DVMF is urging pet owners who have unvaccinated pets to get it done as soon as possible. Maribojoc hopes that more pets will get their rabies shot by the second quarter of this year.

“It has to start with the pet owners, because first off, barato ra ang vaccine for dogs compared to the rabies vaccine for humans,” Maribojoc said.

Maribojoc also advised owners of vaccinated pets to avail of anti-rabies boosters within two to three years.

Maribojoc said the DVMF already initiated “intensive, massive” vaccinations in the barangays where confirmed rabies cases came from while stray dogs have also been impounded to prevent the spread of rabies to other areas of the city.

Aside from the barangays with rabies cases, DVMF also conducted massive spay and neuter operations in other areas.

DVMF has also started training barangay personnel as vaccinators to help in its efforts to vaccinate many pets in the city.

The public has also been advised to call DVMF or barangay authorities if they find a rabid dog roaming in their area. Maribojoc said one symptom of a rabid dog is biting aggressively though unprovoked, and even if there is no one around to bite.

“Another symptom if rabid ang iro is bisan hangin iyang paakon,” Maribojoc said. Aside from that, rabid dogs also have erect ears, excessive saliva or foaming around the mouth, and dilated pupils.

A rabid dog should not be chased or hurt to avoid getting bitten. Instead, it is better to call the local police or local veterinarians to euthanize rabid dogs, as other individuals are not allowed to kill dogs under Republic Act 8485 or the Animal Welfare Act of 1998, even if these are suspected of having rabies.

“If suspected for rabies ang iro and dili ma-contact ang city veterinarian, pwede nila tawagan ang pulis. Naa silay katungod nga mo-put down sa dog, but there are restrictions,” Maribojoc said. — (FREEMAN)

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