
Cebu News

South African arrested for "rape" of 16-year-old

The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — A 16-year-old girl who was rescued Monday afternoon by authorities from a hotel accused a 49-year-old South African of raping her.

Sawang Calero Barangay Captain Arnel Yburan, led the rescue together with personnel from Women and Children’s Protection Desk (WCPD) and the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

The suspect was identified as Ashley Russel Joseph, 49, a native of South Africa.

According to the WCPD investigator Police Officer 2 Sheryl Guangco, the suspect and the victim had been in touch for a week through social media.

She said that the suspect visited the victim’s residence on Sunday and asked for permission to take her shopping. 

The victim went with the suspect who then took her to a hotel where he allegedly forced her into having sex with him.

“Nanlaban kuno siya. Nahutdan gani siya og kusog. Nireklamo sad to siya nga sakit iyang lawas,” Guangco said.

Yburan said that the aunt of the victim sought assistance from the barangay after the victim failed to return to their residence since Sunday.

Upon checking, they found out that the girl was picked up by a taxi in front of a convenience store near the Sawang Calero Barangay Hall.

Operatives were able to trace the cab with the help  of CCTV cameras installed around the street. The taxi driver told authorities that he brought the two to a hotel on General Maxilom Avenue.

Yburan said operatives found the girl fully clothed inside Joseph’s room, however a bloodstained blanket served as evidence of the physical contact.

Yburan said a medical examination showed lacerations on her private parts.

Joseph has been detained pending filing of charges for violations against the Anti-Child Abuse Law and Rape.

Medellin rape

In Medellin, a 66-year-old man was arrested for allegedly raping a 16-year-old girl in Barangay Maharuhay Monday morning.

The father of the victim reported the incident to the police after he allegedly caught the suspect in plain view raping his daughter in a grassy area meters away from their home.

Police Senior Inspector Maria Teresa Gutierrez, Medellin chief of police, said that according to the victim’s father, his daughter left their home that Monday morning to take a bath in a deep well nearby.

The victim was gone for almost an hour which prompted the father to follow his daughter to the deep well.

Not finding the girl there, the father immediately searched for her until he found her naked in a grassy area few meters away with the suspect.

The victim’s father immediately reported the incident to the police which lead to the arrest of the suspect.

The suspect, in his defense said that he has been giving allowance to the victim.

“Mura’g iyang gipagawas nga naa’y consent sa bata ang maong nahitabo,” said Gutierrez.

Allegedly, the victim left home after the incident in fear that she will be scolded by her father, but was found later that same evening.

Gutierrez said that the victim and the suspect were related.

The victim was brought to the hospital for examination. As of this writing, the result has not been released. (FREEMAN)

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