

Central Visayas political trends and prospects

WHAT MATTERS MOST - Atty. Josephus B. Jimenez - The Freeman

If there is a region that could give BBM's so-called Solid North a run for their money, it is the three Visayan regions, especially Region 7. Let us discuss figures, not speculations. Central Visayas is the cradle of Christianity in the Far East. It is also the site of the first battle, where a native from Mactan, Lapu-Lapu, was able to subdue a Western colonizer, Fernando Magallanes, and kill him, the first of such a feat in the entire Asia against a European. Visayans are religious but deeply patriotic, and are not afraid to kill to defend honor and dignity. In politics too, Visayans take their politics very seriously.

This region is also the site of the first treaty between the east and the west through the Blood Compact between Miguel Lopez de Legazpi and Rajah Sikatuna. And the place where the longest revolt by Francisco Dagohoy was staged in Bohol from 1744 to 1829, or for a period of 86 years. It was in Cebu where the late Nene Pimentel founded the PDP or Partidong Demokratiko Pilipino on February 6, 1982. It merged with Ninoy Aquino's Laban in the 1986 snap elections to fight the dictatorship of Marcos. It was also here in Central Visayas where Pusyon Bisaya was born in 1978, the only party that defeated Marcos' behemoth KBL. Thus, other Filipinos should take note that this region is traditionally an opposition bailiwick, the home of non-conformists and dissenters.

In 2016, in Cebu, the multi-billionaire Bongbong Marcos only got 307,676 while Leni, unknown, unfunded, and not endorsed by the governor garnered 807,922. Robredo was ahead of Marcos by 500,246. Since the overall final vote standing between the two was Robredo’s 14,418,817 over BBM's 14,155,344 or a difference of 263,473, it can be said that it was the Cebuano votes that made VP Leni win over Marcos. If she was able to achieve that feat when she was not the incumbent, with more reason today that she is the sitting vice president with an excellent record of performance, and Bongbong has no position. Leni, whether endorsed by the governor and the mayor or not, is strong on her own.

The people normally exercise their independent judgment when it comes to the presidency. It was Cayetano who was endorsed by the LGUs due to the urging of President Digong. In Bohol, Marcos got only 79,724 while Leni had 273,589 or a difference of 193,865. Bongbong was a distant third, Leni was first and Alan Peter Cayetano was second with 169,247. Marcos was rejected by the majority of Boholanos. If he was rejected before, why would he be chosen this time? He was not helping the victims of Odette in Bohol. He was not helping at all in past disasters that devastated many of the century-old churches of this deeply-religious province.

In Siquijor, with about 50,000 total votes, Leni Robredo garnered 30,468. Cayetano was second with 7,291. Marcos was third again with a measly 5,746 votes or one sixth of Robredo's votes. In Negros Oriental, Leni Robredo got 254,207 votes, over Cayetano's 100,256. Marcos only got a small 66,255 votes or less than one fourth of Leni's votes. It is therefore clear that in 2016, when Leni was an unknown provinciana from Naga, Cam Sur, she topped the vice presidential contests in all the four provinces of Cebu, Bohol, Siquijor, and Negros Oriental.

If we add the votes of Leni in all four provinces of Central Visayas: 807,922 (Cebu), 273,589 (Bohol), 30,468 (Siquijor), and 254,207 (Negros Oriental), that would be a 1,366,194. Compared that to Marcos' poor showing of 307,676 (Cebu), 79,724 (Bohol), 5,746 (Siquijor), and 66,255 (Negros Oriental) or a mere sum of 459,401. Therefore, Leni won over Marcos by no less than 459,401 here in Central Visayas alone. Now, tell me, how in the world will Marcos be able to reverse that? Money? Maneuvers? Hello, Garci? The Visayans won't allow any such shenanigans. No one can deny the numbers. They are official facts and figures.

Let the trolls argue against the numbers. To them I dare say: "Contra factum non valet argumentum" Let them figure that out too. There are many people who say that they hate me and also hate my columns but they keep on reading them. Let them elevate their arguments over and above the "ad hominem" and "ad absurdum". Time for trolls to start accepting defeat. They will soon eat the dust.

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