Committee on laws okays creation of architect office

CEBU, Philippines -  The creation of the Office of the City Architect in Talisay City that will implement programs for architectural planning and design was approved by the committee on laws and ordinances. 

Councilor Richard Francis Aznar is the chairman of the committee along with its three members - Edward Alesna, Dennis Basillote and Charles Basillote - signed the two-page report.

Aznar also recommended for its second and final reading. 

Opposition Councilor Romeo Villarante, who is the vice-chairman of the committee on laws and ordinances, did not sign the committee report, saying it is not necessary to create such a department. 

In the report, Aznar pointed out that the heads of departments and offices shall be appointed by the mayor with the concurrence of the majority of the members of the city council but subject to the service law. 

Councilor Joseph Bernard Odilao, who is the proponent of the ordinance, said the population of the city is already growing and that it is necessary to create an office that will take charge of architectural planning and design.

It will make plans for the delivery of basic services and provide adequate facilities relative to architectural planning and design, he said. 

The office is also tasked to review and recommend to the city mayor the architectural plans and designs submitted by the government and non-government entities or individuals, particularly those for undeveloped, underdeveloped, and poorly-designed areas.

But Villarante opposes the proposal.

“What is the purpose? It is a duplication of other offices,” Villarante said. 

He pointed that the new office will duplicate the City Planning and Development Office, City Engineering’s Office, and the Office of the Building Official.  (FREEMAN)


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