Caretaker shoots fellow caretaker

CEBU, Philippines - A farm caretaker shot a fellow caretaker Sunday dawn in barangay Cubacub, Mandaue City.

Renly Inada, 22, single, of Tabango town in Leyte sustained a gunshot wound on his right collar bone.

His attacker was identified as Junver Bejoc, 19, of Carmen town, Cebu.

The police in Canduman said the two men work as caretakers of a farm in barangay Cubacub.

Last Saturday evening, both men attended a disco at Deca Homes in the barangay where they had drinks.

The two men went home at 2 a.m.

Upon reaching the gate of the farm, Bejoc shot Inada for no apparent reason.

Inada ran while Bejoc fled.

Canduman police chief P/Insp. Louie Alama said the motive for the shooting has not been established.  (FREEMAN)

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