
Cebu News

Criminal, civil liabilities await dog shelter owner

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — The owner of the unregistered dog shelter in Barangay Adlaon, Cebu City is now being “hunted” for several violations under the Animal Welfare Act and Anti-Rabies Act plus possible civil liabilities.

Ramil Ayuman, one of Mayor Mike Rama’s special assistants, has identified the shelter owner/dog rescuer as one Lorna Maano Oberes but City Veterinarian Jessica Maribojoc, in a separate interview with The FREEMAN, said they still have to verify something as the property was bought using a company name and not under Oberes.

Maribojoc added the dog shelter is not registered with the Bureau of the Animal Industry (BAI). A shelter facility, even those by NGOs, should be registered with BAI.

“Personal to na rescue niya. Wala gani mi kabalo and nakaila sa iyaha. Kani man gung mga rescuers magkaila ra and nakabalo ta kinsa ni sila. Maong nangutana ko kinsay nakaila niya. Naka-message siya ug usa ka rescue group last year na mo-donate siya og dog food. Wala dayon maka-reply niya, negative iyang reply, so wala na lang sila. So kung maka-donate, financially capable gyud siya, kay aside sa iyang strays, maka-donate pa gud siya,” Maribojoc said yesterday.

Around 101 dogs were rescued while seven dogs were already found dead at the time of the rescue. Prior to the rescue operation the city government had done, there were also some dead dogs already, while others had escaped.

A few months back, some of the dogs allegedly bit and had killed some sheep and other animals in a nearby lot. The cost of the damage reportedly reached to around P500,000.

Maribojoc said Oberes had been a no-show in the barangay and did not respond to calls anymore.

The caretaker reportedly was not paid for one’s services, which prompted the latter no choice but to also leave the shelter more than a week ago already.

Rama had already directed concerned departments to go after the owner of the said shelter and to hold her liable for her actions.

Maribojoc said the city’s Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries, along with other partners, are also willing to file charges against the illegal dog shelter owner.

“Kung kami pakuanon sa DVMF, amo gyud to siyang gukdon. Gina-trace pa namo kung asa na siya kay kanang property dili sa name niya nakabutang but sa company. Amo pang gi-investigate,” said Maribojoc.

“Three violations under the Animal Welfare Act. Ang iro wala namatay but naka-experience siya ug maltreatment and abandonment, ang penalty ana kay P30,000 pinakadako per dog and pwede makulong six months to one year. Kon ang iro buhi siya, but naay part sa lawas nangawala or normal habit niya or behavior naay alteration or abnormalities, penalty is P50,000 and or one year to one year and six months na makulong. And if ang iro namatay unya naka-experience ug severe abuse and nag-suffer, maximum ana is P100,000 per dog na penalty and kulong for one year and six months,” she added.

Aside from that, the shelter owner could also be charged under the anti-rabies act if the dogs were not vaccinated while may also face charges for damage to the property to the owners of the sheep and other civil liabilities.

“Ang pagpasakit gyud ug iro, naa gyud ni siyay kalapasan,” said Maribojoc. —/GAN (FREEMAN)

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