
Cebu News

More easement violators get notice

Caecent No-ot Magsumbol - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — Two Korean schools, a drive-in hotel, and several apartments and offices were among the establishments given a 72-hour notice by Cebu City government’s Task Force-Gubat sa Bahat (TF-GsB) for violating the 3-meter easement.

Those identified by the said Task Force include Idea and Smeag; Prince Court; Centennial Home Apartment; an office and residential property identified under Atty. Paul Nejudne’s name; Leope Apartment; FLC apartment; Izusu Parts Supply; JDA Water Supply and JDA Apartment; Printing Services; Imelda Sarisari store; and Geneva Store have been sent final notices last May 22,2024 for building structures within the three-meter easement zone.

All of these structures are around the Mahiga Creek in Brgy. Mabolo area.

The notice serves as the owner’s last chance to voluntarily clear the structures built within the three-meter easement.

If the owners ignore the notice, the city government will push through with clearing operations.

Meanwhile, under Estero de Parian, only eight of the 32 establishments given final notices have yet to respond to the TFGsB.

On the other hand, acting Mayor Raymond Garcia expressed gratitude that most of the establishments and informal settlers around the Estero de Parian have cooperated in efforts to recover the city’s rivers.

For those that remain uncooperative, they may face closure orders based on the recommendations from the said Task Force. — /ATO (FREEMAN)

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