
Cebu News

Council meeting CBRT management

Iris Hazel Mascardo - The Freeman

CEBU, Philippines — The Cebu City Council has called to an executive session the Cebu Bus Rapid Transit (CBRT) management for it to officially present the design of BRT’s feature called “Link to the Port Urban Realm Enhancement”, following a letter requesting a “no objection” resolution from the legislative body.

The letter, which was sent by CBRT Project Manager Norvin Imbong and addressed to Acting Mayor Raymond Garcia, was endorsed to the City Council during its regular session last May 15.

Aside from the CBRT, the City Council also invited to the June 13 executive session the Cebu City Transportation Office, the Augustinian Friars managing the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño, and business owners of affected establishments at the portion of Osmeña Blvd. from the P. Del Rosario St. junction up to Plaza Independencia.

Imbong indicated in his letter that the CBRT would introduce sidewalk changes meant to improve pedestrian mobility, particularly the widening of the sidewalk (at least 1.5 meters); use of pavers block; and installation of bike lanes (1.5 meters), streetlights, and plant boxes or planting strips.

Imbong said the “Link to the Port” feature is part of the CBRT Package 1, which should connect public transportation, bicycle lines, and a pedestrian boulevard.

This also coincides with the planned pedestrianization of Colon Street, which involved widened sidewalks and arcaded buildings.

“The presence of the architecturally valuable buildings with arcaded pedestrian sidewalks provides the urban identity,” Imbong said in his letter.

He said the target section of Osmen~a Blvd. is highly “pedestrian-oriented” and therefore “has a high potential for urban renovation from the pedestrian transit areas to the building rehabilitation”.

The objective of the “Link to the Port” portion of Package 1 is to “improve the urban quality of the old downtown and attract investors and tourists”, as well as “to provide transport services to the port that will help commuters and tourists access or reach other city destinations”.

Imbong said it is also meant to improve the BRT ridership and connectivity between the main attractors in the city”. (CEBU NEWS)

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