Lack of quorum delays tax code approval anew

CEBU, Philippines — The deliberation for the approval of the revised Real Property Tax (RPT) Ordinance faces more delays after the bicameral meeting will have to be rescheduled due to the incomplete attendance of the legislative body while the reclassification of the Fair Market Value (FMV) is ongoing.

This is according to the author of the said ordinance, Councilor Noel Wenceslao, chairman of the Committee of Budget and Finance of the Cebu City Council in a phone interview with The Freeman yesterday, May 1,2024.

According to Wenceslao, they have conducted two bicameral meetings already composed of the executive and legislative body.

However, during the said meetings, majority of the council were not present hence defeating its purpose.

“Lisod man gud nga mag bicameral ka unya majority of the council are not present. Although sa executive, majority sila, pero sa among side…gamay rami, murag tulo or upat… so wa gyud mi naka discuss thoroughly gyud,” said Wenceslao.

Despite the incomplete attendance, Wenceslao said they were able to discuss the valuation of the RPT. Included in this discussion is the reclassification of the average of the FMV as its increase could primarily impact the soar of the tax rates.

According to Wenceslao, the reclassification of each property category, such as commercial, residential, agricultural among others, could impact the RPT.

“Kay kini man gung RPT, this is a very sensitive ordinance that it will affect the public especially sa commercial kay example kung taas kaayo ang commercial how we will be dealing with it,” said Wenceslao.

Wenceslao, however, said that options to soften the impact have been laid on the table, such as the decrease of the assessment level.

As such, he stressed that the attendance of the council is crucial considering that it is the body who will be approving the ordinance.

Further, Wenceslao said they have yet to set another date for the bicameral meeting.

“Amo pa jud ning tun-an pag-ayo,” said Wenceslao.

Welceslao has previously explained that the basis of the revised RPT is the FMV that is determined by the opinion of the appraisers, and the other stakeholders. Wenceslao said that this could be based on the recent sale record of the property.

Further, the city assessor will schedule the FMV based also on the opinions of the appraisers and the stakeholders.

Wenceslao, however, explained that the reason that the FMV has increased is because the tax code hasn't been revised since 2006. —/ATO (FREEMAN)

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