Archbishop’s New Year message

CEBU, Philippines -  My dear brothers and sisters, Peace be with you!

This year 2015 is a year for us of special thanksgiving to God as we celebrate this year a series of jubilees:

450th Christianization anniversary of the Philippines; the 450th anniversary of the finding of the miraculous image of the Santo Niño; the 450th anniversary of the arrival of the first Augustinian missionaries in Cebu; the 50th anniversary of the pontifical coronation of the Santo Niño church as Basilica Minore; the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Mission Society of the Philippines as a fruit of the 4th Centennial; andthe 50th anniversary of the historic 3rd National Eucharistic Congress in Cebu.

Thanks be to God!

All these events happened in Cebu because it is the Cradle of Christianity in the Far East.

This year is also our final year of preparation for the 51st International Eucharistic Congress which will be held in Cebu in 2016. During the 4th Christianization Centennial in 1965 which was highlighted by the 3rd National Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, His Eminence Ildebrando Cardinal Antoniutti, the Papal Legate of then Pope Paul VI who is now a Blessed, said,“It was by contact with the Blessed Eucharist that your country began its Catholic history, and was immediately influenced in its civil organizations. In an atmosphere of incomparable mysticism, in this very place, the first Mass was celebrated, and marked the blessed beginning of the new religious life of an entire people. From this beach, the sun of the Eucharist spread its rays abroad, gradually taking possession of all the Islands which, illuminated by Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, were converted to the Catholic Faith.”

Let us pray and work hard with the help of Divine Grace that on the forthcoming 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu, the sun of the Eucharist may spread its rays abroad even brighter, not only taking possession once more of our Islands but of the whole world.

May we re-echo with much conviction that joyful song which was sung 50 years ago here in the Cradle of Christianity in the Far East: THE PHILIPPINES FOR CHRIST! THE UNIVERSE FOR CHRIST!

And we can be sure that Christ, our hope of glory, will be for the Philippines, will be for the whole universe.

Imparting to you my paternal blessing, I remain

Yours in the Lord,

Jose S. Palma, D.D.

Archbishop of Cebu

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