The Love that created a family and a company

CEBU, Philippines - The tribute to a father and a legend

Every great man, every successful man, no matter what the field of endeavor, has known the magic that lies in these words: every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. - W. Clement Stone

Before the man became a legend in the tire industry of Cebu City, he was first a friend, a lover and a father. Angel Guadalquiver's journey began when his path crossed with that of Angeles Gabrillo, who was introduced to him by common friends.

The Love Story of  Angel and Angeles

A graduating Customs Administration student, Angel was already hard-working when he met Angeles, who was then an employee of Rose Pharmacy. That time, he was working as a part-time waiter to sustain his studies in Cebu Central Colleges or what is known today as the University of Cebu.

Although Angel was the kind of guy who was quiet, he managed to overcome this to show and prove his attraction and love for Angeles. He frequented her home in Basak, San Nicolas, until the girl could not help but fall in love with him, as well. This started their love story that spanned many years and endured separation by distance.

When Angeles was assigned to become the area manager of a Rose Pharmacy branch in Marikina, the couple was unable to do anything but go on a long-distance relationship. The girl was unable to attend the most important events of her love's collegiate life. She was even unable to make it to his graduation, where Angel was just given "biko" or sticky rice cake as a graduation gift by Angeles' family.

This simple token was surpassed though by the chance given to Angel, when he was allowed to stay in his love's home after graduation even if they were not yet married. This trust gave him the motivation to work hard so he can prove to his girl's family that he is worthy of their faith in him. To save money so he could finally wed Angeles, Angel worked in the Purefoods warehouse located in Minglanilla.

In 1979, Angeles came back to Cebu to marry Angel in the San Isidro Labrador Parish Church in Mantalongon. Months after, they had their first son, Jesson and in the next year, they were blessed with another son, Jay.


The First Steps to Finding  His Niche in the World

When Angel was retrenched from his job as a warehouse man, Angeles had to shoulder the sole responsibility of raising their family. They didn't they know that this closed door was instrumental in opening a window towards something great for their family.

It started with a job offer from the owner of Rose Pharmacy, who was asking his managers if they have unemployed spouses. This job brought Angel to Japan where he was assigned to work at a tire supply company and was tasked to segregate tire shipments for the Philippines and other parts of Asia, for six months. Then, this was followed with a job at a construction firm in Manila where he worked with friends Cristente Gabrillo, Romy Wanal, Pablito, Nestor and Roger Emactao, who all later became his employees in his own company, Tri-J Marketing.

After this, there came another job offer from the owner of Rose Pharmacy to work in Berovan in Manila where he had to manage a team of people, including the people he worked with in his previous job at the construction firm. This caused the family to reside in Manila and this was also when Angel and Angeles decided to add another angel to their brood. In 1986, the Guadalquiver family welcomed their third child, John Rey.

It wasn't until the job offer that brought Angel and his family to Malaysia that laid the grounds for the man's path towards becoming a legend in the tire industry of Cebu City.


The Path to Becoming a Cebuano Tire Industry Legend

After his stint at Berovan, Angeles' boss offered Angel another job out of the country, this time in Malaysia. He was to audit a tire supply company, which was selling stocks supplied by the Rose Pharmacy owner. It was during this time that the PhiMal Enterprises was born.

Through sheer courage, hard work and determination, Angel was able to start his own tire company in Malaysia with the help of a Malaysian partner. This business that started with a warehouse that looked like it was built out of tin cans, and his extended stay in the country, prompted the move of Angel's family to Malaysia.

Although everyone had to struggle, Angel's family supported his efforts in making his business survive. Even the kids Jesson and Jay were tasked to help out in filing tires at their young age of seven and eight. But, when the visa of the kids and Angeles expired, the family had no choice but to come home to Cebu. At a later date, Angel left PhiMal in the hands of his Malaysian friend Mamer Malveda and his wife, Julia.

Back in Cebu, couple Angel and Angeles once again tried to build their dream of opening a tire supply business. They named it "Tri-J Marketing" after the first letter of the names of their three sons. Although they started out as a small vulcanizing shop that supplied recapped and second-hand tires, the business later on grew to become a flourishing tire supply company that it is today with the help of Angel's friends, whom he worked with in Manila.

Now, Tri-J Marketing has earned its rightful place in Cebu's tire industry. Through Angel's constant supervision, diligence and hard work, combined with his wife Angeles' patience, dedication and care, the company grew stronger until it reached seven branches here in Cebu alone, with dealers in Bohol and Dumaguete, among others. The tire company now has branches located in M.J. Cuenco, Cebu City, in Mandaue City, Lapu-lapu City and in Banilad, Cebu City.

In 2006, Tri-J Marketing was awarded with a National Product Quality Excellence Award for the "Best Tire Supply in Metro Cebu". The year after, it garnered the Philippine Marketing Excellence Award for the "Most Outstanding Tire Supply in Metro Cebu". With new branches set up in Toledo and Minglanilla, it was but fitting that the company got the National Shopper's Choice Annual Hall of Fame Award for the "Best Tire Supplier in Cebu" in 2009. The following year, Tri-J was recognized as "Cebu's Tire Supplier of the Year" and given the Business Achievement and Recognition Award. Just recently, the company was lauded as the "Most Trusted Name in Tire and Car Service Center" by the Consumer's Choice Category Awards for Business Excellence Gawad Parangal sa Pilipinong Maagap.  

All these awards prove that Angel and Angeles dream business, Tri-J Marketing, has gone a long-way from its humble beginnings as a modest vulcanizing and second-hand tire supply shop.


Angel - The Model Father and Employer

Just recently, Angel celebrated his birthday. Although he was in Europe during the occasion, his sons could not help but look back on what their father has taught and showed them over the years.

"He is a hardworking Dad. I saw from even when I was still young that he was never idle, he was always working. But, despite this, he was still able to spend time with us," eldest son, Jesson recalled.

He added that Angel is the best Dad because he always made time to help them with projects and to be present in school programs even if he was busy in the office. "Even if he's on his travels, he was very mindful of the dates especially if there were special occasions - he always made sure to come home for them," Jesson said.

Jesson further said that he can still remember the times his father was there for him when he was already feeling tired and down while he was in school. As the eldest, Jesson had to set aside his dreams of becoming a Civil engineer so he can help out in the family business, but he does not begrudge his father or mother for this, as he respects his wishes.

John Rey, the youngest, also commented on how their Dad is one of the most hardworking people in the world.

He said, "He is truly passionate about our company and our family. Growing up, I always studied hard because I was influenced and inspired of the way Daddy would put 100 percent into everything he does."

"Daddy also knows how to have fun in life. I remember travelling the world as a kid, exploring new adventures and learning unique cultures because Daddy wants us to experience the things he never had," John Rey added.

Meanwhile, Crisente Gabrillo, one of the pioneer employees of Tri-J Marketing and brother of Angeles, also shared his insights about Angel as a father, friend and employer. He said that they have been together for a while and he could say that Angel really has a strong personality.

Gabrillo stated that Angel is a really good person and although he sometimes castigates, he is right and is just doing it because he considers him as a brother. As a father, he said that Angel is also "very responsible and very good in disciplining his children". As an employer, he added that Angel knows how to recognize their capabilities and they always see his castigations as reminders.

The second son, Jay, on the other hand, remembers how his father is always strict about discipline and everything being in their proper place at all times. He said their Dad trained in the military before and this led him to instill the kind of discipline he experienced with his sons. Jay said that before they had no classes, they were already cleaning the house early in the morning. When they were in Malaysia, Jay and older brother Jesson had their share of household chores to attend to. Although they were aged seven and eight at that time, they already knew how to do the laundry and cook and were already helping out in the business during summers.

"We always did what he wanted. Although we were unable to move on our own, as we grew up we realized that he's right. He was just preparing us for our future," Jay said.

Now that he is already a father himself, Jay shared that he has learned from his Dad the importance of discipline and having special bonding moments with one’s children.

Jay added, "We need to talk to them because my Dad was also that way. He always had such lines as do the right things or don't do unto others what you don't want others to do to you or it's better to give than to receive. He was also always telling us about how lucky we were compared to them when they had nothing to eat and that made us know the value of money and everything they give us, we really appreciate."

From a lover to Angeles to a father to their three kids and then a father of a company that now has approximately 200 employees, Angel has indeed come a long way. He is definitely making his way into becoming a true legend in the tire industry of Cebu.

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