Allergies in children

Do you think that your child may be suffering from allergies? It can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between allergies and regular common cold symptoms. If you don’t get any straightforward answers, then it’s time to see the doctor.

But before doing so, ask yourself the following questions – (1) Does your child always have a cold? Common colds last from 7-10days but allergies don’t. (2) When having a cold, is your child’s nose stuffy or runny? (3) Does your child wiggle his/her nose with a finger/s? (4) Is the mucus clear and thin as opposed to yellow or greenish and thick? (5) Are your child’s eyes itchy, red and watery? (6) Does your child sneeze a lot? (7) Does your child breathe through his/her mouth as opposed to breathing normally with the nose? (8) Any broken or skin irritations? If you answered YES to one or more of these questions, then there might be a chance that your child is allergic to something.

Allergy culprits can be dust mites (which is the most common), animal hair, molds or even food. Sometimes, your child can be allergic to his/her clothes, pillows or blankets so best to switch laundry detergent brands if you experience this. Tobacco smoke on the other hand does not cause allergies, but can certainly worsen allergic symptoms.

To pinpoint the exact cause of an allergy, keep track of when these attacks occur, this will enable your child’s pediatrician to help you out better. (Helpful Resource:




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