Turtle Talk

CEBU, Philippines - My first pet was a turtle. due to its long lifespan, slow movement, sturdiness and wrinkled appearance, a turtle is the epitome of  longevity  and stability in many cultures around the world.

In ancient times, turtles were believed to carry the world upon their backs or support the heavens. Turtles  are frequently depicted in popular culture as easygoing, patient and wise creatures.

Kids are always fond of turtles. Many stories have been told in all cultures and ages about the turtle. Who has never heard of the phenomenal “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” that tells the contemporary stories of small turtles that were flushed down the toilets, growing into fierce animals in city sewers? Or Aesop’s fable “The Hare and the Turtle” and “Turtle Education” from “Alice in Wonderland”?

Lately, in the series finale of the third season of  Avatar: “The Last Airbender”, Aang finds himself in a mysterious island which is later revealed to be on the back of a giant lion-turtle which has existed since the beginning of time.

The children-loved popular Pokémon  series also has a few species resembling turtles or tortoises.

Pet Turtles

Turtles can be our pets because they are easy to care.

Turtles are really wild animals. Putting them in a tank is cruelty because all they can do inside is pace all day long like a caged animal. A turtle needs a large habitat or a pond.

In captivity, a well cared turtle can live 25 up to 50 years or more. Turtles have been on earth for 200 million years or more, longer than the dinosaurs.

Turtles need veterinary care like dogs and cats. The problem with turtles is their slow metabolism. They do not show signs of sickness until the illness has progressed tremendously. The signs and symptoms you should be aware of are: closed and swollen eyes, loss of appetite, sitting in one place, daily pattern changes, and runny nose. If any of these are observed, you need to see a vet!

Each turtle species has its own habit, some burrow in the ground to hibernate like box turtles, some hibernate under water. You should allow them to do their habits. Whichever it is, your turtle must be healthy.

Caring for Turtles

Turtles are carnivores. They must eat live food like snails, fish and worms. They should not be fed hotdogs, hamburger, among other food that they don’t normally find in the wild. Water turtles can only eat under water.

Turtles need real sunlight to be able to grow normally and to have strong bones. Sun deprivation will result to metabolic bone disease.

To become a responsible turtle pet owner, it is important to research about their lifestyle. Also, it is critically important to wash your hands, keep turtle things away from the kitchen and keep turtles out of homes where children under six live. (FREEMAN)

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