PCAP celebrates International Chess Day at Luneta Chess Plaza

Chess enthusiasts, employees of the National Parks Development Committee (NPDC), as well as current students participated in the two-hour event.

MANILA, Philippines – International Chess Day was celebrated with a time-honored tradition of over-the-board exhibition games at the Chess Plaza at the Rizal Park in Luneta last Thursday, July 20.

Chess enthusiasts, employees of the National Parks Development Committee (NPDC), as well as current students participated in the two-hour event where they went up against International Masters Paulo Bersamina and Jem Garcia.

The two IMs are members of the San Juan Predators of the Professional Chess Association of the Philippines. They were later joined by a few of their fellow pros as they engaged in a mini-friendly tournament.

Chess sets and caps served as prizes.

According to Michael Angelo Chua, Chairman of PCAP this was part of the professional league’s community service.

“This is looking back at the game’s roots and hoping to give back some awareness to this historic place,” said Chua.

The Rizal Chess Park is a historic place where many top chess players went to hone their skills and stay competitive. On any given day a titled chess player could lose to the regulars or the passers-by who themselves were skilled even if they never pursued the game as a profession.

Philippine Grandmasters Mark Paragua Oliver Barbosa and Julio Sadorra to name a few would often go there to compete.

During a previous interview Sadorra said that the chess plaza was one a chess player had to experience once in their life.

“This was pure love for the sport’ described Sadorra.

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