Coaches appeal for fair officiating in title duel

Ateneo coach Norman Black, left, and La Salle mentor Franz Pumaren share a light moment during the PSA Forum at Shakey’s-UN branch. Jun Mendoza

The contending teams in the UAAP best-of-three title showdown yesterday appealed for a fair shake in the officiating.

Ateneo coach Norman Black and La Salle coach Franz Pumaren graced the PSA Forum and talked about the officiating in what could become the most anticipated varsity title series that begins on Sunday.

Black said a coaches’ meeting was held last week as they discussed how the officials will be chosen for the closing and most crucial games of the 71st UAAP season.

It was agreed upon that a pool of only 12 chosen referees will be used for the playoffs, and they will all be placed under the watchful eyes of commissioner Chito Narvasa.

For a few instances, officiating in the ongoing season has been in question, forcing Narvasa to crack the whip on some officials, even suspending a couple of referees.

The referees’ association, however, is also doing its best to keep the games under control.

“Just like Franz, the only thing I requested from them is for them to be consistent in the way they call the game,” said Black, in search of his first UAAP crown in four years with Ateneo.

“And that the way games have been officiated so far will be the way the finals will be officiated so the players will not have a very difficult time adjusting,” added the Ateneo mentor in the session sponsored by Shakey’s, Accel, Brickroad gym and Aspen spa and MedCentral Medical Clinic and Diagnostic Center.

Pumaren, eyeing his sixth crown since he became La Salle coach in 1998, aired he same sentiment regarding the officiating.

“My appeal is for them to be consistent, and you will never hear from me. Just be consistent. I know it’s just a matter of consistency,” said Pumaren during the forum.

It will only be the fourth time Ateneo and La Salle will face each other in the finals, with the Blue Eagles enjoying the upper-hand, winning in 1988 and 2002, and the Green Archers prevailing in 2001.

“It’s always different when it’s La Salle versus Ateneo because of the crowd and the excitement in the air. You don’t know what’s going to happen until it happens,” said Black.

“Right now we’re very happy and excited to be in the finals. At least we have the opportunity to defend the title. Again, we are the underdogs,” said Pumaren.

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