Church official urges voters to register before deadline

 DUMAGUETE CITY, Philippines  – Monsignor Julius Heruela, convenor of the Diocesan Electoral Board (DEB) of the Diocese of Dumaguete, is calling on the youth of voting age and others to register or update their information with the Comelec before the October 31 deadline.

Heruela said the DEB—some members of which are Comelec-accredited citizens’ arms like the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV)—is geared towards assisting the poll body to ensure a smooth and orderly conduct of the mid-term elections on May 13, 2013.

He said citizens are encouraged to update their information for biometrics and give priority to persons with disabilities (PWDs) to participate in the electoral process.

Check early the voting precincts to avoid the rush and chaos at the last minute on election day, said Heruela, adding that he is optimistic that voters in Negros Oriental are now wiser and could not be easily lured by money.

While the Catholic Church does not endorse particular candidates during elections, its role would be to help guide the people in choosing the right qualities of candidates who should be elected into office, Heruela said.

These include character traits that reflect the teachings and stand of the Church, he said while urging voters to study the platforms of government of the candidates and what they can do in the field of public service.

For those seeking re-election, voters should discern whether these politicians had truthfully and honestly served and if they are worthy to still remain in government, the priest added.  (FREEMAN)

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