Renewed optimism

It augurs well for the Philippine economy that 82 percent of local businessmen surveyed by international consulting firm Grant Thornton are optimistic about where the country is heading under the Aquino administration.

The government’s anti-corruption stance is clearly behind this optimism as the business leaders revealed that they see bureaucratic red tape as less of a hindrance to their business growth.

Curiously, the 82 percent of businessmen with an upbeat outlook on the economy is just a tad bigger than the 73 percent of Filipinos (in the latest Social Weather Station survey) who had expressed belief that impeached Chief Justice Renato Corona is guilty of the charges raised in his impeachment trial.

It may be inferred from the surveys by SWS and Grant Thorton that Filipinos are squarely behind government efforts to exact accountability from past government officials who enriched themselves while in office.

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