Support for informed choice

MANILA, Philippines - We stand with President Benigno Aquino III in giving freedom of information and choice in family size as well as delivery of the means to exercise it to all Filipino citizens. 

As President of all Filipinos of varying religious beliefs who possess individual freedom of conscience to choose their moral path, he is exercising his duty to his country and its citizens under the Constitutional mandate of separation of Church and State. 

We acknowledge and respect that the Catholic Church has deemed that it is against artificial contraceptives in the matter of planning family size. We expect that following this belief, the church as an institution address and counsel its own folk to form their conscience along its rules as well as take an active part in promoting their preferred family planning means. 

But it is not fit that the church hierarchy here go beyond its folk and impose its stand through pressure, coercion, disinformation and condemnation on those who believe otherwise. Let us be clear: Contraception is NOT abortion. We are against abortion. In stating or implying otherwise in this matter, the church hierarchy does not play fair and seems to choose to fight for power rather than battle for souls.

The existence of individual conscience is acknowledged by the church as the ultimate judge of what any individual chooses or decides to do on matters of faith and morals. These are the real issues and we acknowledge them and hope that the church hierarchy allows with charity opposing stands.

In our universe, God is love.

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