Thoughts to guide us by (For May 2010)

MANILA, Philippines - The day of reckoning closes in! Come May 10, the Filipino people will vote to install the new captain of our ship. The Filipinos regard this election as their salvation, a changing of the guard, a liberating event that will usher in meaningful and progressive changes.

As we anchor our pining for good moral governance on this election, may it draw the citizenry out of stupor and apathy, and actively get involved in the electoral process that can spell better or poorer lives, progress or poverty, peace or violence, honor or dishonor for us in the years ahead.

My all qualified-to-vote Filipinos go out and exercise their suffrage, a legacy bequeathed to us by our forefathers. Failure to exercise our sacred duty to vote and install leaders, who will manage the machinery and resources of our beloved land …forfeits one’s right to complain and criticize our government.

We pray that on judgment day, the genuine will of the electorate will prevail, and the true winners proclaimed! That only men and women dedicated to promote our national interest get elected, and make our government responsive – to be “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” Elected officials who will rightfully respect and treat the citizenry – masters of the ship – with the President as the captain, and the rest of government officialdom, its crew!

Elect only righteous men and women, untainted by lying, cheating and stealing, and set the motion for an honest, accountable, dependable, effective governance. They can be our wings to lift us from “prisons of suffering” into a new bright horizon. Above all, will make “the welfare of the people, the Supreme Law!!!” Vote wisely! Safeguard our votes! Protect our beloved country!

Peace and abundance to us all!

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