EDITORIAL — Safe and healthy celebration

The shopping malls and Christmas markets are full. Hotels are starting to recover from the pandemic as large gatherings return and the travel industry bounces back. Carolers have returned to neighborhoods – both children and older folks who need a permit for the activity.

Nearly four years after COVID-19 turned the world upside down, life is almost fully back to normal. Livelihoods are being restored and jobs returning, although there are those that may never be revived. For the millions who lost loved ones to COVID, the mourning may not be over.

And yet all signs point to the end of the pandemic, which is reason for rejoicing this holiday season. Families can gather again to celebrate, free to greet each other with hugs and kisses, singing carols and sharing food without worrying about sharing potentially deadly pathogens.

There’s always the possibility of another pandemic, but the world looks better prepared for it. Reliable and peer-tested COVID vaccines were rolled out in record time, and the science continues to advance rapidly. Pharmaceutical companies have responded quickly to numerous mutations of SARS-CoV-2, the original virus from China’s Wuhan City that causes COVID-19.

With borders fully reopened and all travel restrictions lifted, it was inevitable that those SARS-CoV-2 mutations have entered the Philippines. The latest is the Omicron JN.1, described by health officials as a “variant of interest” but not yet “of concern.” As of yesterday, the Department of Health had recorded 18 confirmed JN.1 cases nationwide, which were detected through genome sequencing between Nov. 16 and Dec. 3. With RT-PCR testing significantly down nationwide, the actual number of cases could be higher.

COVID is on the rise again, particularly in crowded Metro Manila, and it continues to debilitate and kill. While most people have acquired natural and vaccine immunity to the coronavirus, infection is still possible. Fully vaccinated and boosted President Marcos himself just recently recovered from his third bout with COVID. The rise in COVID cases is on top of a spike in cases of influenza-like illness in recent months.

As always, the elderly, the immunocompromised and those with comorbidities are the most vulnerable and at highest risk of serious infection. If only for these vulnerable sectors, health experts are urging the public to temper holiday celebrations with caution. Health officials are encouraging people to wear masks when possible, and to continue observing respiratory and hand hygiene.

Have a safe, healthy and joyful Christmas!

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