

EDITORIAL - Resurrection

The Philippine Star
EDITORIAL - Resurrection

For the first time in two years, families can gather again and children can participate in Easter egg hunts outdoors to celebrate the greatest miracle of Christendom, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

The miracle of the resurrection not only reminds the faithful that Christ died to save us from sin, but also offers solace to those who lost loved ones and friends in the past two years to COVID. The idea that death is not the end but a rebirth into eternity eases the grief of those left behind by the 59,778 confirmed COVID fatalities in the country as of April 12. Experts believe the actual death toll is much higher.

In parts of the Visayas and Mindanao, tragedy struck this Holy Week, with a slow-moving Tropical Storm Agaton bringing incessant heavy rainfall that unleashed landslides and torrential floods, burying entire communities and killing scores of people. The bereaved will find some comfort in the thought of resurrection.

Apart from claiming lives, COVID has devastated livelihoods. The country, deeply mired in debt to finance the pandemic response, is just starting to rise from the ashes of economic catastrophe. The next administration faces daunting challenges that require efficient, transparent and honest governance to encourage cooperation from the greatest number of people.

That Easter is being celebrated for the first time with pandemic restrictions greatly eased raises hopes that the country is seeing the light at the end of the COVID tunnel. Rising from the pandemic will be helped along by spiritual fortitude to do what is right. Easter and the risen Christ bring messages of redemption from sin as well as deliverance from suffering.

A happy Easter to everyone!

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