

EDITORIAL- Headed for abolition

The Philippine Star

For a group that gets an annual allotment of about P2 billion from public funds, members of the Sangguniang Kabataan or youth councils have little to show for earning their keep. The barangay system should be able to easily handle the few tasks assigned to SK members. If the SK is supposed to be the training ground for the nation’s future leaders in government, it is failing miserably, going by the pork barrel scandal that has now engulfed the political establishment.

Lawmakers, under fire for the brazen misuse of their pork barrel, have come up with a sensible proposal: postpone the SK elections, currently scheduled to coincide with the barangay polls next month. The suspension will allow Congress to either abolish the SK or at least scrap public funding for the youth councils in the 2014 national appropriation. Lawmakers have said these measures can be passed before the congressional break at the end of the month.

The SK was meant to serve as a training ground for youths who hope to play a future leadership role in governance. But entrenched political clans soon controlled the SK, parking their youngest politically inclined members in the councils until the youths could take over regular government positions and perpetuate the dynasty. Local officials reportedly believe the SK has become a breeding ground for corruption. Government auditors should also come up with a report on how SK members utilized their public fund allocations.

There are approximately 42,000 seats for SK chairman and 300,000 seats for youth councilors. That’s a lot of people on the payroll of Juan de la Cruz. Local officials and lawmakers alike believe the SK has become a useless burden on taxpayers. The youth sector has ample representation in Congress, and the barangay system is also tasked to look after the welfare of youths. The P2 billion annual appropriation for the SK can be put to better use. Lawmakers should push through with the abolition of the SK.

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