EDITORIAL - Tide of freedom

Many Filipinos know the feeling well: the euphoria of ousting a long-entrenched dictator. The land of people power shares the jubilation of Libyans as the authoritarian regime of Moammar Gadhafi collapses.

Many Filipinos also know well the pain of failed expectations. Democracy is a difficult system, and rebuilding a nation from the ashes of authoritarian rule calls for a lot of hard work and healing of deep wounds.

There is no certainty that Libyans want a western-style democracy in the post-Gadhafi era. But the past months of violent struggle against one of the world’s most durable despots arose from a yearning to end oppression. No doubt inspired by the success of freedom movements in Tunisia and Egypt, it is safe to surmise that Libyans want an open society where their rights are respected and they have a say in governance.

Gadhafi’s whereabouts remain unknown, and his supporters could still foment deadly violence across Libya. There is uncertainty in the international community over the new government that is being formed. Bringing down Gadhafi’s government is just the first step in the tortuous path toward building a free, just, and prosperous nation. He will still have to answer charges that he had ordered the mass murder of his own people as he fought to keep his grip on power.

But Libyans put their lives on the line for many months, setting aside their fears and resisting the violent retaliation of a dying regime. That kind of commitment to fight for freedom led to the success of protest movements in Tunisia and Egypt, and is once again proving to be successful in Libya. That kind of commitment is also crucial in building a new nation. And the tide of freedom is likely to sweep across other countries.

It took several decades before the world saw an Arab Spring. Regimes that derive their strength from oppressing their own people are unsustainable. That message, dramatically delivered in the streets of Tripoli, is cause for rejoicing for supporters of freedom around the world.

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