Old crooner takes his act to the street

OH FRANKIE! Passersby along Colon St. were flabbergasted when an old man suddenly broke into song in the middle of the sidewalk. The object of his affection was one of the young salesgirls in a store that sold various electronics goods. The Frank Sinatra wannabe even had a fedora and he was kneeling, prancing and even dancing as he sang. Those who saw the act said his voice was in pretty good form for someone his age. He did not look bad for his age too, being of slim build. It was not known what the reaction of his love interest was.

PREDICT THIS. An Ear source said he noticed this trend that the disasters we prepare for or foresee are the ones that do not happen at all.   “Case in point,” he told The Ear, “earlier this year some foreign psychic predicted Luzon would be hit by a very powerful earthquake. Everyone was afraid…then nothing.” He added that this was proven again when the dreaded Typhoon Pepeng did not hit Metro Manila, and all the hasty preparations the people made were in vain. He said it is when we are not looking that all hell breaks loose. Hence more reason to be prepared for anything at anytime.

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