Many cabbies don't like  P10 add-on fare

LESS WITH ADD-ON. Many cabbies have expressed their dismay on the imposed P10 add-on to the regular taxi fare. They said that instead of bringing in more income, it had a negative effect, since passengers now prefer to take the jeepney. They said that passengers find the taxi fare too steep. One cabbie said, “Nakahatag na hinuon og kadaot ang plus 10 kay mahalan ra ang mga pasahero. Nihinay hinuon among kita.”

IT DEPENDS. Another cabbie said that there are also passengers who argue with him, and insist on paying the fare reflected on the taxi meter. This even though the cabbie has the sticker that states P10 should be added to the regular fare. He said, “Daghan gyud mga pasahero molalis. Labad kaayo sa ulo ni ilang plus 10 uy.”

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