Smoke belchers should be included in the city cleanup

SMOKE BELCHERS AGAIN. Air pollution should also be given priority consideration relative to the cleanup of Cebu in connection with the Asean Summit. A doctor of medicine said the other day he saw at least three motor vehicles in different places of Cebu City belching thick black smoke. One vehicle's (PUJ's) smoke was so thick someone on the sidewalk shouted to a Citom traffic enforcer. "Dakpa na, Citom uy, grabe ka itom sa aso!" The Citom man did not even go through the motions. He was busy catching a student jaywalker

MISTAKEN IDENTITY. A man walking along Sanciangco St. was stopped by a pimp who offered him a "new girl" from a city in Luzon. "Bag-o pa kaayo, 'Nyor," the pimp said. The passerby who happened to be a priest in plainclothes said: "TY lang, Dong, human na ko bag-o pa." The priest told The Ear it was the third time he was mistaken for a playboy in that area. "Ang stock answer ko is always 'human na ko' which stops the offeror from pursuing his offer," the priest said laughing.

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