26 Chinese charged over Pasay sex hub

This photo shows the Department of Justice office in Faura, Manila.
Philstar.com / File photo

MANILA, Philippines — Criminal charges have been filed before the Department of Justice (DOJ) against 26 Chinese for their alleged involvement in the operation of a prostitution hub in Pasay that was raided in October last year.

In a statement issued yesterday, the DOJ said the police Women and Children Protection Center filed charges of serious illegal detention and various violations of the anti-trafficking law against the 26 foreigners.

Several prostitution and labor exploitation victims were rescued from the offices of Smart Web Technology Corp. during the raid conducted by the DOJ‘s Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking and other law enforcement agencies.

Following this development, Justice Secretary Jesus Remulla issued a stern warning against “notorious alliances involved in unlawful business” in the country.

“Over the years, the Philippines has always welcomed foreigners with open arms, demonstrating how hospitable and loving Filipinos are. However, it is the State’s responsibility to protect its citizenry when offending foreigners abuse the warmth embrace and generosity of our people,” Remulla said.

This is the third wave of cases filed against Chinese nationals tagged in the operation of the prostitution and scam hub.                

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