Mactan airport partially reopens

MANILA, Philippines — The Mactan-Cebu International Airport (MCIA) reopened yesterday, but only from sunrise to sunset in the next two weeks.

MCIA Authority assistant general manager Glenn Napuli said domestic and foreign airlines can use the airport only from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. to pave the way for the repair of the damaged equipment when a Korean Airlines plane overshot the runway amid heavy rain on Sunday night.

The accident left no damage to the runway, but Napuli said the plane hit the approach lights and a runway localizer.

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines vowed to complete the removal of the Korean Air Airbus A330, which remains stuck in the grass near the runway, as soon as possible.

On Monday, about 2,500 liters of fuel were siphoned off from the aircraft, clearing the way for a 300-ton crane to be deployed and staged.

Korean Air president Woo Keehong said the airline would cooperate with Philippine and South Korean authorities in investigating the cause of the mishap.

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