PNP-IAS backs Triambulo amid sexual harassment raps

MANILA, Philippines — The Internal Affairs Service of the Philippine National Police (PNP) is backing IAS inspector general Alfegar Triambulo, who is facing a sexual harassment complaint.

The IAS, in a briefer, lauded Triambulo for instituting reforms in the department as it criticized his accuser, Genevieve Lipura.

The IAS described Lipura as one of its “problematic” officers when it comes to integrity, noting that her allegations against Triambulo are unfounded.

“She wants to depose Triambulo to halt the administrative case filed against her for absenteeism,” the IAS said.

The PNP unit pointed out that Triambulo agreed to meet Lipura in a restaurant based on the appeal of one of his colleagues to look into the latter’s work.

The IAS said Lipura was the one who reserved the schedule in the restaurant, ordered the food and wine and paid for everything using her credit card.

The IAS said Lipura’s intention was to discuss her desire to be promoted, which Triambulo refused.

“Lipura started her character assassination and made-up stories when Triambulo rejected her demands regarding her promotion,” the IAS said.

IAS records showed that Lipura was suspended for six months for unauthorized absences. She went AWOL or absent without official leave for nine days and incurred 69 other unauthorized absences.

Lipura reportedly traveled abroad several times without the required authority to travel.

She is also facing an investigation for alleged dishonesty and misrepresentation in accomplishing the daily time records and attendance forms when she headed the IAS National Capital Region administrative division.

Lipura has filed a complaint for sexual harassment against Triambulo before the Office of the Ombudsman.

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