UN lauds Albay on DRR efforts

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines – A United Nations (UN) official has cited Philippine laws on climate change adaptation (CCA) and disaster risk reduction (DRR) as “the best in the world.”

Margareta Wahlstrom, special envoy of the UN secretary general on DRR, also hailed Albay for taking the lead in the global campaign to mitigate disaster risks brought about by global warming.

At a recent forum here attended by some 40 mayors from Mindanao, Wahlstrom said Albay’s strategy has been at the forefront of a campaign against global warming.

The mayors learned from Albay’s experiences and strategies in disaster mitigation and good governance.

The forum, hosted by Albay Gov. Joey Salceda and supported by the UN Development Program, was dubbed “A peer-to-peer learning exchange on reducing vulnerabilities and adapting to climate change.”  

UN country director Renauld Meyer was also a guest at the forum, which came on the heels of a series of calamities that recently struck areas in Mindanao.

Wahlstrom praised Albay’s “best practices” in CCA and DRR and expressed confidence that sharing it with other local government units in the country could produce best results.

The UN earlier had named Salceda as its “senior global champion” for CCA and DRR and declared Albay its global model.

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