Radio station bombed in Kalinga

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines - Unidentified men lobbed four molotov bombs inside the government-run radio station dzRK-Radyo ng Bayan in Tabuk City, Kalinga early morning yesterday, sending jitters to broadcasters and journalists in the city.

The suspects, who fled on board a green Mitsubishi Delica van, broke the jalousie of a room and lobbed the molotovs, according to broadcaster Jerome Tabangay, who links the recent attack on the radio station’s relentless commentaries on the resurgence of jueteng in the city since Sunday.

Tabangay survived an assassination attempt four days after the May 2010 polls after gunmen barged into the radio station and fired at him. Although he links last year’s attack to dirty politics, he insists that jueteng operators were behind the attempt on his life.       

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