Call center agent goes home, finds herself 'dead'

CLARK FREEPORT, Pampanga , Philippines  – A 22-year-old female call center agent got a morbid surprise when she arrived at her parents’ home recently in Sitio Bungang Guinto in San Antonio in Mexico town to find a displayed tarpaulin poster announcing her death, and inside, a coffin containing supposedly her remains, surrounded by grieving relatives and friends.

Senior Superintendent Nicanor Targa cited reports that on June 12, one Edith Castro and her daughter Jackie Lou, claimed the body of a woman who was earlier found dead near a creek along an abandoned pet cemetery in this freeport.

A report of the security department of the Clark Development Corp. (CDC) said that the female body was already decomposed when found. The body wore a black bra and black leggings and was wrapped in a black and white comforter.

The body was brought to Funenaria Angelina in Angeles City until June 12, when the Castros arrived at the Angeles City police Station 4 and asked to be assisted by the police so they could view the body.

At the funeral home, Edith said she believed that the already decomposed body belonged to her daughter Karen, 22, a call center agent working at Clark. Apparently, the Castros did not know where Karen had been staying since she got married and got estranged from her family.

Edith and Jackie Lou brought the remains to her home in Bungang Guinto in Mexico where the tarpaulin notice even displayed Karen’s photo.

On the second day of the wake, Karen decided to visit her parents after an alleged quarrel with her husband. She was surprised to find herself “dead.”

Targa said the wake ended in a happy reunion of the living and that the body of the still unidentified woman was motored back to Funenaria Angelina.   

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