Ilocos tobacco growers score Dayrit

VIGAN CITY — A large group of tobacco farmers has declared Health Secretary Manuel Dayrit as Public Enemy No. 1 of the tobacco industry and urged President Arroyo to replace him.

The farmers’ declaration was an offshoot of a controversial memorandum of the Health Secretary who called on Department of Health officials throughout the country to "prevent tobacco industry participation" in their various activities.

Dayrit directed his men "to take active measures to prevent tobacco industry participation in any tobacco-control initiatives and social development programs of the Department.

In a resolution, the Philippine Association of Tobacco-Based Cooperatives, Inc. (PATCO) headed by Carlos Cachola, denounced Dayrit for his alleged consistent and "unprovoked’ tirades against the tobacco industry.

"He is grandstanding. What is mind-boggling is that he has the nerve to openly detest the industry when the government’s official policy has been toward preserving, if not promoting, it," Cachola said. "President Arroyo should not let this pass without giving Dayrit a lesson," Cachola urged, as he noted that this was not the first time that the Health secretary was "singing out of tune." "We hereby respectfully request that tobacco’s Public Enemy No. 1 be replaced," the resolution said. PATCO has 226-member cooperatives nationwide. — Teddy Molina

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