Bakery helper kills co-worker

MANILA, Philippines - A bakery helper stabbed dead a colleague sleeping in the workers’ quarters in Pandacan, Manila early yesterday, allegedly over an old grudge.

Barangay watchmen arrested Rudimer Alulod, 23, as he was fleeing from the crime scene. “His shirt is bloodied and he admitted to the crime,” said Chief Inspector Erwin Margarejo, who heads the homicide section of the Manila Police District.

A bloodstained nine-inch knife was also recovered at the crime scene, Margarejo added.

Victim Aldin Gabin, 23, was declared dead on arrival at the Ospital ng Maynila from a stab wound in the chest. Other bakery workers found him at the foot of a stairway, apparently trying to chase his attacker, Margarejo said.

Investigation showed Alulod and Gabin had an altercation two weeks ago after Gabin suffered slight burns on the hand when he touched hot cooking oil left behind by Alulod. Their employer, Arnold Aguila, owner of the Sea-Zoe Bakery, reportedly told them to patch up their differences.

Alulod attacked Gabin after drinking a bottle of rum. Interviewed at his detention cell, Alulod said his mind went blank at the time of the crime.

Murder charges are being readied against the suspect.          – Nestor Etolle  


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