Just roll with it

Touch the sky: Dress, P1,175, and pullover (worn under), P1,435,  both Forever 21.

MANILA, Philippines -

Time to stow the pair of heels you wore out on New Year’s Eve and switch into something more durable. Shake off the glitter, lose the flash. This year, get out there. Go somewhere you’ve never been, even if it’s just the city’s newest skate park (we hear it’s quite legit). Loosen up and wear something you can move in, run in, roll out in. Pick up a new skill while you’re at it. This is 2014, so commit to your adventure.

Photos by Czar Kristoff, Modeled by Tola Orendain of PMAP, Makeup by Ria Aquino for MAC Cosmetics, Shot on location at Circuit Makati. Special thanks to the Mountain Dew Skate Park




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