No ish, just publish

MANILA, Philippines - Free of charge and easily accessible, today’s local online magazines have created a niche to be reckoned with. In a time where PDF files are about as prevalent as the printed form, it’s become imperative to be represented online by way of a domain and the compulsory branches on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and what have you. The following sites have done so — and in a tasteful, inventive way at that.

Stache Magazine Online

Created in December of 2010, Stache is a bimonthly online blog-azine that deals with anything youth-oriented. From nomad-inspired fashion shoots to rainy-day playlists and works by foreign art contributors such as Saibh Egan, Stache owns a cache of creative gems worth checking out.

New Slang

Founded in 2009, New Slang’s a general interest online magazine that features nonfiction essays, mixtapes, show-and-tell, and the occasional interview. Its roster of storytellers includes anyone from Thought Catalog-published teacher Cat Juan to illustrator/punk vocalist Conrad Javier.

Fledgeling Magazine

Big on fashion, Fledgeling is a bimonthly ezine that aims to “showcase original talent by amazing people.” Its second issue is out this month and it features an Egyptian Queen-inspired shoot among other style ventures.

Status Magazine

A monthly youth culture magazine about the future of fashion, music, and art, Status publishes both online and in print. Their Go See page collates snapshots of urban lifestyles around the world, from Manila to Singapore, LA, and New York. Free-to-browse digital back issues include the ones of Sasha Grey, Travis Barker, and Iza Calzado.

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