Justdo fit

To be fit for " life, it isn’t " enough " anymore to just exercise and eat the right food. It is more about living well and making a conscious effort to be healthy. Say goodbye to cigarettes and alcohol and hello to supplements. Just imagine pumping iron like Rocky with Survivor’s Eye of the Tiger playing in the background. After all, when we all turn 50, don’t we want to look extremely fit like Madonna?

This is why Del Monte, the brand passionate about health and well-being, launched a new product last year, which is geared towards a healthier lifestyle. Del Monte’s Fit ‘n Right juice drink is a new weight-loss drink that contains a fat burner and energy booster. There are three flavors: Pineapple, Pine Orange and Four Seasons, which is my favorite.

"Fit ‘n Right is perfect for young adults who always want to look good," says Mike Morelos, senior product manager of Del Monte Fit ‘n Right. "This breakthrough product contains L-Carnitine, a natural substance that helps burn fat and B vitamins to speed up metabolism by breaking fat and carbohydrate and turning them into energy."

To make losing weight more fun, the brand also launched the Fit ‘n Right Challenge early this year in partnership with Fitness First gyms in Metro Manila. Challengers were paired with a personal trainer and personal nutritionist. Whoever lost the most weight and body fat percentage flew to Boracay for the grand weigh-in.

"This competition was like the Biggest Loser show," says Paolo Gonzales, product manager of Del Monte Fit ‘n Right. "We wanted to show that people can actually lose weight with Fit ‘n Right juice drink coupled with exercise and a healthy diet."

For the grand finals in Boracay’s Pier One, celebrities and Fit ‘n Right contestants played dodgeball with a huge beach ball and volleyball with pairs that were banded together. Sam Oh and Mo Twister hosted the event with a short spiel on Forbidden Questions. The event was packed with entertainment — there was a fire Zips performance, percussion jamming session with The Boom Boom boys, hip-hop night with MC Dash. Thankfully, Sponge Cola only played a set, which included their biggest hit, Madonna’s Crazy For You and Eraserhead’s PG version of Pare Ko.

Back to the Fit ‘n Right Challenge. The criteria for judging the winners include a weigh-in with Fitness First’s Tanita body composition analyzer. So, 50 percent goes to weight loss and the other 50 goes to the highest percentage of body fat loss.

The winner of the first-ever Del Monte Fit ‘n Right challenge was nursing graduate Espie Dino of Fitness First ABS-CBN. Thanks to Fitness First’s Tanita body composition analyzer, she initially weighed in at 161.6 pounds with a body fat measurement of 63 percent. At the grand weigh-in, she lost 12 pounds and her body fat percentage was 37.80 percent.

Architect Simon Cervantes of Fitness First Robinson’s Summit Center won second place. Before the competition, he was 145 pounds with 36.2 percent body fat percentage. He lost 14 pounds and his body fat percentage became 19.9 percent. Third place went to businessman Adrian Sanares of Fitness First Alabang. He weighed in at 228.40 pounds and had a body fat measurement of 42 percent. Adrian lost 29.8 pounds with a body fat percentage of 18.80 percent.

It pays to be the biggest loser after all.
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E-mail love-hate whatever things to becca_rodriguez@yahoo.com or visit www.myspace.com/beccacrodriguez.

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