Having the tide of my life

"Rhythm don’t mean nothing, you go with the flow and you don’t stop."– Jack Johnson

I’ve been in Paris for three weeks now and it seems as if things are happening in leaps. Time moves so fast that you barely catch your breath and then something huge is happening again. How do you deal with this? I suddenly remembered what my Mom used to say: "Go with the flow" because in this calm-turbulent ocean that we call life, nothing is for certain, but if you take everything in stride, you’ll realize that good and bad are just mere words, because things are never what they seem to be: black can be white and white can be black — it’s all a matter of perspective.

Yesterday, I learned three valuable lessons: the first one was to not be afraid to give people compliments — there was this French guy who had limited edition Adidas sneaks with four leaf clovers all over that was so dope. In Manila, when we see someone wearing something nice, we’d be afraid to tell them they do because of what they might think, but here I’ve been doing things that I’ve really been wanting to do because I’ve freed myself from the shackles of what people might think of me and accept myself for who I am; both "ange ou demo" (a fragrance that I coincidentally picked up in Marionaud). The second is, if you need something, don’t be afraid to ask for it; the world is filled with people who are willing to help you but they wouldn’t know that you need help if you don’t ask for it. I’ve been getting lost around the city, but there are times when people don’t just tell you where to go but accompany you to get to where you’re headed. And third, be flexible. On the way to the store that sold the sneaks I saw on the guy, I came upon this small store that sold white perforated Springcourt sneaks — I have never heard of this brand but apparently it’s been around since 1936 , and was actually the original tennis shoes made by a Frenchman named George Grimmeisen.

When I was younger, I was really keen on the song Estranged by Guns ‘N’ Roses, and like the music video and the words to the song, I jumped into the water too many times out on my own, wanting to swim in all my naked glory just like the dolphins. But then as I grew older, I learned that unlike dolphins, our bodies aren’t equipped to swim without some covering and even protection. When I respected the demands of my body and the nature of water, I too was able to join the dolphins and swam freely with them.

We all have our own tastes when choosing the right coverage. What might be right for one maybe not be for some people. There are those who like to keep things simple, and those that adorn themselves with accessories; either way, it’s all a matter of taste and preference. In Manila, there’s a swimsuit store called SPF located in Glorietta 4 and Robinson’s Galleria that offers a wide array of choices. I like going there because they has something for everyone. Initially just a swimsuit store for mothers and daughters, their line became broader and now caters to teenage girls and boys with cut-outs, printed, funkier swimsuits and board shorts while still offering classic and conservative styles for those who aren’t as daring. Why do I recommend buying from this store? Basically I’m a firm believer in quality and style. The owner, Liza Puyat, and her family have been manufacturing swimsuits for some years now have been supplying to local and international brands. I remember before, in our village, all the kids wanted to go trick or treating in her house because instead of giving candy, they gave away swimsuits! How cool is that?! Aside from this, they carry Croc sandals, you know, the ones that some people all over are going crazy about — the ugly clogs that are super comfortable. Personally, I prefer the flip-flop version that’s as comfortable but cuter.

As I’m writing this, I’m on a train to Perpignan, to the train station that my favorite artist, Salvador Dali, said was the center of the universe – how exciting! So instead of me facing my laptop, I think it’s time for me to look out the window or probably move around ’cause I might be missing the galactic scenic route or my Before Sunrise moment.
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If you would like to share your thoughts with me, you can reach me at kdg@styleparadise.com.

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