Lite up your life!

When you go on a do-or-die diet, there are a lot of things you stay away from. You can’t have cake, chips, cookies, candies and ice cream, for instance. You’re also told to avoid sugary drinks, such as soft drinks and fruit juices rich in artificial sugar. But there’s one thing you just can’t seem to give up – iced tea. Especially during muggy afternoons, we can’t think of a cooler idea than to gulp down a refreshing, thirst-quenching and delicious glass of iced tea like Nestea. Admit it, you find this iced tea simply irresis-tea-ble. Don’t you just wish your nutritionist/dietician would allow you to have a glass of iced tea a day? Well, the refreshingly good news is dieticians just might change their minds about iced tea when they learn about Nestea Lite.

Did I just put the word "lite" beside Nestea? Yep, I surely did and that was no mistake. Nestea has come up with a mouthwatering way for all ye health-conscious people to indulge in your favorite iced tea. Let me tell you how guilt-free a glass of iced tea can now be. Nestea Lite has 33 percent less sugar than any other powdered drink. But although Nestea cut back on the sugar, it continues to provide its avid drinkers the world over with the same rich, refreshing taste of the regular Nestea Iced Tea. During its launch recently, I joined fellow iced tea enthusiasts learn more about Nestea Lite over galss after glass of this healthful, wonderful beverage. My personal verdict: Nestea Lite tastes just as delicious as its regular counterpart. In fact, it does not feel like I was being denied of anything at all! For me, lite is more! For customers’ convenience, Nestea Lite is offered in packs of 80 grams, single-serve box and 400 grams.

Eating right and dressing right are fundamentals to feeling good and looking good. Both Nestea and Penshoppe strongly believe in this. Hence, they have teamed up to launch the Nestea Lite-Penshoppe Take What Fits You Right promo. This promo runs from Sept. 1 to 30. Just by purchasing Nestea Lite, one gets a chance to be one of two lucky shoppers to enjoy a P25,000-shop-till-you-drop spree at Penshoppe. To participate, simply purchase any size of Nestea Lite packs, which entitles you to a ticket for the raffle promo. The raffle draw will be held on Oct. 22 at the Nestle office located at 31 Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center.

Aside from a chance to join the promo, the coupon also entitles one to take part in the "What Fits" game. To join, simply visit the Nestea Lite promo booth, where you will be asked to draw two cards with adorable pictures of Penshoppe-inspired clothing items. The two cards you have picked should match each other. If they do, you get to go home with premium items and get discounts from Nestea Lite and Penshoppe.

Shopping at Penshoppe can also lead to Nestea Lite indulgences. For a minimum purchase of P800, Penshoppe shoppers are entitled to two packs of 80-gram Nestea Lite. Now, isn’t that the most enticing shopping treat or what?

Too good to be true, you say? Indeed, lite is right – and fits to a tea. Now, you can have a tall glass of your favorite iced tea without having to sacrifice your waist line or worry about your lifeline. Go ahead, drink your Nestea Lite and have a guilt-free treat!
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