Why I'll never get a P300 laser treatment

Since deal sites and discount vouchers are the rage these days, P300 (or even lower) deals for laser hair removal, laser resurfacing and a host of other laser-based skin treatments are very common sights. 

Let me just say that I’m not even the LEAST bit tempted to get one of these seemingly incredible deals. First of all, a laser is a very scary thing in the hands of someone who is not properly trained to use it. I will only subject myself to a laser treatment in the hands of a PDS (Philippine Dermatological Society)-certified dermatologist and no one else… even if I have to pay a lot more for the session. I only have one face and one body so I can’t afford the risk.

While a therapist or aesthetician can learn how to use a laser, they do not have the necessary medical background to handle potential problems that may arise. Each person’s skin is different, and these people are only technically trained to operate the machine, not to give an accurate diagnosis of whatever skin conditions you may have. Do these people know they’re not supposed to administer laser treatment if you’re tanned or sunburnt? If you experience pain, do they know enough to stop? Do they give you protective eyewear before the session? A laser treatment can seriously burn you or damage your eyesight if the person handling it is not qualified to administer it. Just do a web image search on “IPL burns” and you’ll see the horrific things a laser treatment gone wrong can do to your skin. And yes, I know what I’m talking about because I actually went through a laser (IPL) hair removal session under a PDS-certified dermatologist and it cost around 10 times more than the usual deal amount of P300. There was no pain at all.

Ideally, there are only two conditions under which you’re supposed to let yourself undergo a laser treatment:

  1. A dermatologist, general practitioner or plastic surgeon who is trained for this procedure is administering it.
  2. The laser technician, therapist or aesthetician is under the direct supervision of the person described above. This means that the doctor is actually in the room with the two of you while all of this is taking place.

I’m not saying that all the P300 (and below) laser deals are improperly administered but I’m willing to bet that majority of them are because these days P300 (and below) does not even cover a doctor’s consultation fee… what more an expensive laser treatment that requires time, effort and resources? You could say that maybe the doctor owns the clinic and is willing to spread himself/herself thin to promote the service. That could very well be but I don’t think most will fall under that category. Remember that even if the service you want is purely cosmetic, it’s still a medical procedure.

Any Tom, Dick, or Harry can just buy laser equipment and open a salon or spa offering such services. There’s no law that states that only doctors can do so. In short, there is no regulation, so in the interest of protecting ourselves, it’s our responsibility as consumers to educate ourselves on what the things we purchase and services we choose to avail of entail.

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