Teresin Mendezona left her heart in San Francisco

She is a pillar of Cebu’s society and is the ultimate stylist of the south.

Teresin Mendezona is, foremost, a sterling event planner who involves herself totally from its conception to implementation. Teresin says she derives inspiration "from nothing and from everything."

She speaks of the debut balls of the two daughters of the mega tycoon Carlos Yeung and his philantrophist wife Mariquita, maintaining that the city has not seen such grandiose celebrations since.

However, she considers the wedding and the reception of Lucy Torres and Richard Gomez in Ormoc City her most challenging. Remembering the dinner parties hosted by Annie and Louie Aboitiz at their home where their three children exchanged respective marriage vows is also especially memorable.

Teresin is an individual of many roles and is several persons to most people. Regretfully, I can’t seem to begin to tell you what she really is all about. However, I can honestly and sincerely admit that Teresin Mendezona is Cebu’s answer to Manila’s Conching Sunico. Both are tireless women of style who have successfully made their own cities a better place to live in.

Philippine STAR: What do you remember most of your first trip abroad?

Teresin Mendezona:
I remember the many memorable parties that didn’t seem to end on board the luxury liner Marsailles as we sailed for 23 wonderful days from Manila to Europe. My eyes feasted daily on the changing arrangements on the buffet table – and all the other tables – in the salons. They were all artistically done with such flair and drama. I recall the several exciting ports of call as we dropped anchor along the journey. These were long enough to develop both a feel of the city and memories of it. I was 18 then and traveling with my parents, two brothers and a sister. I was totally impressed, beyond description, with the entire experience. And guess what? My first trip lasted for all of three years! For together with my only sister, we were "gently deposited" at a more-than-just-a-finishing school in Pamplona. And in those days, students abroad didn’t come home for Easter breaks, summer vacations–not even during the holidays for Christmas and New Year! But I have no regrets at all whatsoever.

What won’t you leave home without?

Two things are never out of my sight–my rosary and my flashlight. Whether in Cebu or some foreign land, I even sleep with them.

Other than a member of the family, who would you like to be seated next to on a flight?

Unless I have a real friend occupying the next seat, I would rather opt for an empty one. I honestly feel being on a flight is not really the best place or time to try to make an acquaintance. It’s the perfect chance to attempt to relax. Besides, I love my own company. With the fear of perhaps sounding unfriendly or arrogant, I can almost say, just leave me in peace– dejar me en paz.

Who is your ideal traveling companion?

I have several good friends but Mila Antunez Wales comes to mind. She is a lovely individual, perfectly easy to deal with and with absolutely no hang-ups. She loves life and is full of life. We have shared unforgettable times with lots of genuine fun.

Name your favorite city abroad.

San Francisco. No other city comes even close. It’s so magically different from all the cities I know–the made-to-order climate, the hard-to-beat attractions, the to-die-for cuisine and the honest-to-goodness friends. San Francisco is my all-time favorite. It’s so unique. It’s the city my heart belongs to completely.

What is the first thing you do upon checking in at a hotel?

After a quick look and see around the room, I immediately go to the nearest exit and familiarize myself with the area. Once done, I mentally count the steps back to my room. This is an exercise I have been doing for years – heaven forbid – for the just-in-case moments of our lives.

What would you consider a must-do activity in every foreign city that you visit?

Dining exceptionally is a priority in life. So I always try to make a reservation for a table at the best restaurant in town without fail. I request for the specialty of the house. The adventurer in me – at least when it comes to food – compels me to order from the menu, dishes I have never heard of before. How many times have my eyes popped at buffet tables, most especially in landmark restaurants and grand hotels? Even just the sheer presentation gives me a high! Luckily, nothing escapes me. And from such display of good taste, I learn, make adaptations and share with others.

Let’s talk favorites. Favorite restaurant?

Gaddi’s at the Peninsula Hong Kong. It is more than just an eating place. It’s a total experience which is difficult to forget – the china, the cutlery, the glasses and the goblets, the tablecloth and the napkins, the service, the ambience – everything.

Favorite hotel?

The Pen in Hong Kong stays unchallenged at the top of my list.

Favorite buildings?

The old structures along the streets of the old part of the city of Prague. If the walls of the buildings could only talk.

Favorite park?

I have two choices. First, El Retiro of Madrid – more specifically, La Rosaleda. Second, a plaza with a fabled tree right in the center of the town of Guernica in the Basque country of Spain.

Who or what do you miss most when you’re away from home?

My dear friends whom I care for, and my work, which is my life.

What is the best travel advice you can share?

Travel light. Believe me, it is easier said than done. I am forever guilty of doing exactly the opposite. How I wish I could travel light, especially when there is not a single porter in sight or when we need to move faster with all our luggage and time is of the essence. Oh dear me! Ay, mama mia!

What’s your most memorable trip?

Without a doubt, it has to be my trip to Paris to attend the wedding of Amparito and Michel Lhuillier’s daughter Yvette to Frank Warnod one summer a few years ago. Everything, and I mean everything, was perfect! The wedding was what dreams are made of. The only hitch was that there was none!

What is the strangest thing you have done on a trip?

We were in Paris and did everything we had planned to do except to shop. This we intentionally saved for our very last day. However, we lost track of days – something that happens on most holidays. We didn’t realize it was a Sunday. To our horror, we discovered that all our favorite stores, shops and even specialized stalls were all closed. We instantly decided to extend our stay for one more day – additional hours in Paris just to shop. So we went to Mass and had a leisurely Sunday, which we all needed. We finally went back to our hotel and asked for an extension of our stay. But we could not be accommodated. We tried other hotels; no one would take us. It was the same story – not a single room available. Paris was full. We hurriedly packed up and made a dash to the airport to catch our confirmed flight to Prague per our original itinerary. We just made it. And as I sat on my bed in a hotel in Prague, I found the events of the day rather peculiar. How could we have done what we did? Strange!

What is the worst item you have ever brought back from a trip?

A pair of knee-high leather boots – and to think I live in Cebu. What got into me to purchase such an item is something I will never ever be able to understand or to explain.

Who would you like to bump into during your travels?

Martha Stewart. I like what I know of her from films, television shows and the print media. I love what she stands for and I adore her countless ideas, which move me to do even more.

Name an event anywhere in the world you would like to participate in.

Though I don’t play tennis at all, I am a hardcore tennis fan. Watching the tournament at Wimbledon would be my choice.

Fill in the blanks. "Where in the world...only in the Philippines."

Where in the world, would you see smiling faces in the midst of tragedy, disaster and calamity? Only in the Philippines. And do you know why nothing really fazes us? It’s because we have God in our hearts and in our lives.

If you had more time, you would...

Spend it at home.

What are your pasalubongs–inbound and outbound?

Outbound–exquistely hand-made embroidered items. Inbound–food such as chorizos, turrones y bacalao.

Aside from unpacking your suitcase, what is the first thing you would do upon returning home?

I would, without delay, call the members of my family and some of my close friends and let them know I am home. I always look forward in contacting them. I am basically a person who automatically reaches out. When my dear mom was still around, I would go directly to her residence from the airport to kiss and hug her before I would go home. It’s a ritual I do miss.

Name a city you have never visited but would like to someday.

Vienna. I have not only seen or read it from all the imaginative visuals that exist, but I have likewise enjoyed the beautiful music the city is famous for. Vienna is alive within me.

Name a country you wish to explore.

The many faces of Vietnam.

Looking back at your travels abroad, what would you say is your biggest regret?

Missing out on the bullfight during my last visit to Pamplona, Spain. Me quede con las ganas. Bullfighting is not simply the killing of the bulls. It includes all the art and the ceremonias that go with it. And this is not to mention the ambience of the corrida in the Plaza de Toros. It’s an integral part of Spain’s history, cultura and heritage.

What is your favorite spot in the Philippines?

The Shangri-La Resort in Mactan. Whether I am dining at the Paparazzi restaurant with friends or busy styling the Grand Ballroom for an important event–whether I am at work or at play–the award-winning property does wonders to me that is incredibly impossible to explain.

If you could reside anywhere in the world aside from the Philippines, where would it be?

San Francisco. It’s a bit of heaven on earth.

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