Supreme Exclusive: The Bench factor

MANILA, Philippines - Expect the unexpected. This one’s going to be bigger, better than the last one,” says Bench head honcho Ben Chan. With 25 years stitched to their name, the proudly Pinoy clothing brand promises to put together a show so massive, they’ve called it “Bench Universe.”

In preparation for the September event, Bench recently held an open call for models. Supreme was given exclusive access to the go-see. Here’s what went down behind-the-scenes.

It was on a Sunday afternoon, at the Isla Ballroom of the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. Upon arriving, we were welcomed with the sight of towering models and their managers taking up most of the lobby, seated on corners, comparing notes and exchanging last-minute tips on how to impress the judges. First-timers and veterans looked no different from each other — they were all biting their nails, hugging their significant others, and showing signs of the jitters. Who wouldn’t be? They were only vying for a spot at one of the country’s biggest fashion events.

Bare Essentials

We entered the ballroom and saw a sea of models, both male and female, scurrying around in their bare essentials — all of them, almost naked; all of them, beautiful people. The guys were chiseled and the women were toned. Even with Shangri-La’s cooling system, the room was hotter than hell. For once, we at Supreme felt like outcasts; not because we don’t have the same perfect physiques, but because we didn’t seem to be un-dressed for the occasion. Nobody told us to come in our undies!

But the soiree, as steaming and drool-worthy as it was, got even sexier. Even with hundreds of mannequin-esque models lined up and ready to charge, a 13-strong panel of judges came in to start the fun and begin scrutinizing. On the judge’s corner were some of the fashion industry’s big wigs: Kristine Lim, Bryan Lim, Keren Pascual, Randy Ortiz, Miguel Pastor, Mons Romulo, Robby Carmona, Anton San Diego, Biboy Arboleda, Michael Carandang, and Noel Manapat. These people are tough, and they were joined by Bench endorser Georgina Wilson (a.k.a. perfection herself). Georgina served as the rose among the thorns set about by the savvy designers and critics.

Also among the judges was, of course, Ben Chan. With so much hanging on the line, Ben made sure his event didn’t go any other way than how he and his team had envisioned it — limitless, universal.

From Baler To Brazil

Some of the models came from as far as Baler, Aurora, leaving their houses before sunrise just to get to Ortigas on time. Others came from countries as far as Brazil, Prussia, and even South Africa. But it wasn’t only their backgrounds that made these models extraordinary. To illustrate exactly how boundless these models were, here’s a situation we spotted:

Georgina asked a male model, “It says here on your CV that you have a girlfriend, is she around?”

The male model answers, “Girlfriend? What girlfriend?”

Now, while this particular model might have gotten a b*tchslap after his audition, there were some who kept things discreet with their significant others, opting to keep their tryout a secret from their boyfriends who might not want to share their blessings. Many times, the girls, first-time models, had to sneak in the room because they wouldn’t want anyone else to know — not their parents, moreover, their boyfriends. How daring!

When You See 'It'

But beyond daring, the judges were looking for something more. “Bench factor,” one of them said. “It’s something you can’t really define, but you know it when you see it.” Perhaps, it was the same tingling we got whenever we looked at Georgina seated (sometimes dancing) behind the judge’s table. You couldn’t really say if it was her eyes, her lips, or the way she spoke. You just knew she exuded it.

We asked her how she “made it” so well and her answer was simple — hard work. “Give yourself ample time to work on your body. Give it your all; be confident, ‘cause it is the biggest show in the country,” Georgina said. Indeed, easier said than done. But if we’d all end up with that elusive Bench factor, what’s to lose?

One more thing Georgina added, when asked for her pre-show rituals: “Have a glass of wine to get yourself relaxed.” Now, that’s a way to get rid of the jitters.

Aspiring models, take note. Cheers to that, Georgina. Cheers to that!

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