Rizal vs Damaso

MANILA, Philippines - (Editor’s note: In the heat of press work for this issue, chief supremo Tim Yap talked to Carlos Celdran. “I held up a sign that said `DAMASO’ during an Ecumenical Mass in front of all the bishops and Christian groups,” Carlos said. In his version of “civil disobedience,” he went int front of the altar dressed as Jose Rizal at a Mass attended by members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. Before he was taken away by the police, he screamed, “Stop getting involved in politics.”)

Last week, Carlos sent in his submission for our “What I’ve Learned” feature a day late for our anniversary issue. But in the face of his incarceration, now, more than ever, we turn to Carlos and ask him what he’s learned. Sit down, take the food out of your mouth, and listen to a real maverick.

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Live the life you want to live and do what makes you happy. Don’t live someone else’s life just because you think it will make someone else happy. 

Happiness is like an oxygen mask in a depressurized plane. Put yours on first before helping others. 

Humility is an achievement in itself.. This is something I learned from my dad. And he is proof of it. It’s pretty difficult not to be mayabang when you’re awesome.

Sexuality is fluid. People should be given the right to be comfortable in their sexuality at their own pace and space. Being a pushy gay activist can be just as annoying as being a pushy born again Christian.

Nothing is ever black and white. Nothing.

You are what you eat.

Being Filipino is a choice and in some occasions, a privilege.

Nationalism isn’t always the best measure for artistic excellence. Being a Filipino artist doesn’t necessarily mean that you are a good one. 

The Philippine elites have really no clue about what’s going on. Really. They don’t.

Gated communities are one of the biggest contributors to the decay of Manila’s urbanity. The city ceases to be a fabric when people have the option to separate themselves from the rest. 

The most ineffective way to help the Philippines is through politics.

Downtown Manila is our national ancestry and the standard that the world bases civility in the Philippines. Allow Manila to decay and you might as well have a piece of sh*t as our calling card. 

The world will never judge Manila by Mall of Asia or Greenbelt. Deal with it.

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