Sis womb bah!

MANILA, Philippines – As if we haven’t gotten enough It-girls-in-waiting already—some hanging in there a little too long (Come on, Maja Salvador’s still got that flip-flop endorsement)—the infrared scanner of pouty potential just has to bleep over bloodlines. Vina and Shaina, Ara Mina and Christine, Georgina and Jess—just a few charmed ones who’ve slipped into the sisterhood of the dazzling genes.

When a celebrity’s career cup has runneth over, a family tree’s produce is ripe for the picking. The Ashlee Simpson Show was making MTV’s reality rounds following the bimbo-showcasing success of Newlyweds: Nick and Jessica. Online ragazines unveiled the subdued brunette-ness that is Ali Lohan just when paps were churning out snatch snaps of Lindsay. And while we probably shouldn’t expect a family portrait via reality show or panty-nixing shot from Anne Curtis anytime soon, we’re treated to her younger sis Jasmine Curtis-Smith.

With Anne’s recent MFF Best Actress win for Baler and the primetime posture she’s maintained for ABS-CBN, stardom’s natural selection would be Jasmine—if she decides to pounce on it, that is. The 15-year-old ninth grader can definitely learn a lot from an older sis who’s gone through some requisite showbiz motions: playing ugly (Kampanerang Kuba), the MTV VJ thing (is that even over yet?), dating Oyo Boy. And with such flourishing sibling love, the two could make for a booming family business. “Honestly, we’ve never fought—ever,” the younger Curtis claims. “I know sisters are supposed to be the type to always fight but that’s just not us. Music-wise, there’s quite a lot in common—and anything, really.” 

Twitter Sisters

One of those commonalities is Twitter, the online shout-out app campaigned by their sorority sister in hotness, Georgina Wilson. Of course, we just had to rummage the Twitterverse for some interesting mouthfuls from Jasmine’s page. While she’s answered the question “What are you doing?” we ask—what were you thinking?

Jasmine Curtis-Smith

…was happy to be welcomed back by my lovely comforting mother and annoying yet cute little brother =) (5:24 PM Apr 21st from mobile web)

I live in a suburb somewhere north of Melbourne, I get to come by whenever I can, like during a break. In Australia or the Philippines, I like to study, chill, hang around—and sleep. But I hang out a lot with my sister’s friends. They’re super fun to be around with and I’m with her a lot whenever I’m over there. When I’m in Pampanga, I like to listen to my dad’s stories or advices. He’s a great person to open up to about anything. And I love the simple life.

…is so far in life getting everything she wants and needs, and more =) too happy and too blessed. (7:16 AM Apr 5th from web)

I really don’t know where I’m heading. I have a few options like law, journalism, accounting, or maybe photography. Then again, I have an open mind and I’m also interested in modeling. I recently worked with a great bunch of people, like Roxanne Montealegre, George Schulze, Andre Endique, and Ian Banzon—something for a print ad and a mag.    

There’s also watching how I treat my body—like, I know I’m fat but I need to make sure I’m healthy, so I run every Tuesday and join in during sports at school as much as I can. I’m trying modeling out.

I don’t think I’m really interested in showbiz. I’ve definitely heard a lot of “You should continue your studies muna” from local celebrities and I agree. For my sister, it’s her passion, although she also told me—and as I’ve seen—the downside is lack of sleep! And I super love sleeping.

…feels so ugly from the pimples camp gave her. (3:40 AM Mar 29th from mobile web)

Heard of the Great Ocean Road? Well it’s one of the suburbs on that road—Lorne. It was meant to be a Survival Camp but it wasn’t really. I got close to this guy who’s been in my class since last year, and his best friend. I also learned that I can adjust to certain environments unlike most of the girls that went to camp.

…is apparently flying ON her birthday, what a way to spend it. L (12:50 AM Mar 18th from mobile web)

I would have wanted to spend my birthday with all my friends, as in everyone from the Philippines and Australia. Hey, a girl can dream. I’d live anywhere decent, anywhere I have family, and anywhere I’m comfortable. Problem is that’s both here and there in the Philippines (laughs).

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(Supreme thanks Betchay Vidanes for Anne Curtis and W Talent Management for Jasmine Curtis-Smith)



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