Popcom chief Tomas Osias: ‘More responsible parents, less poverty’

The basic principle of responsible parenthood is common sense: A couple should not have more children than they can afford to fully support. If they cannot even afford to support themselves, then obviously they should postpone having children. They should focus instead on building up their career or business. Once they have attained financial stability, then they can go into the very expensive and difficult task of parenthood," says Tomas Osias, executive director of the Population Commission (Popcom).

Osias points out a very obvious – but often overlooked – truth, especially by impulsive and hot-blooded young lovers who think that love can conquer all obstacles. Says the Popcom chief, "Instead of breaking out of the vicious cycle of poverty, there is a 99 percent probability that a poor couple, no matter how in love they are, will sink deeper into debt and poverty when they have children at a time when they do not have a regular and adequate source of income. The painful and hard truth is that you need a lot of money to protect the health and overall welfare of the mother and child before, during, and after childbirth. For example, where will you get the money to buy nutritious food for the mother during pregnancy? If the mother does not have proper food, the baby inside her will most likely be born retarded, sickly, or dead. But nutritious food will not be enough. How about the cost of prenatal care? Decent housing to provide the pregnant mother and unborn child with a clean and safe living environment? Electricity, water, clothing, transportation, communication? How about the cost of giving birth? And after birth, the expenses are endless, especially if the child or mother gets sick. As your child grows up, you need money to send him/her to school. At every turn, you need money. When you don’t have a job or viable business, where will you get the money? From borrowing? From whom will you borrow? And where will you get the money to pay your debts?"

Osias emphasizes that irresponsible parenthood can only strengthen and broaden the vicious cycle of poverty. "When poor couples have children they can’t afford to support, chances are their children will end up being as poor, malnourished, and uneducated as the parents. When the children grow up, most likely they will repeat the same cycle. In effect, we will just be multiplying successive generations of poor Filipinos."

How can we break this vicious cycle of poverty?

According to Osias, responsible parenthood is one of the best tools to do so. He notes, "Even if both husband and wife come from poor families, if they focus first on attaining economic stability before having children of their own, and if they make sure that they don’t have more children than they can afford to support, then they will have greater chances of raising a family that will be better off than the families they came from. They will be able to meet the basic needs of their children, such as nutritious food, quality education, decent housing, and the like. As a result, their children will have stronger chances of becoming successful professionals or entrepreneurs when they grow up. And since children tend to emulate their parents, most likely they will also become responsible parents, too, when the time comes."

How can couples prevent unplanned and unwanted pregnancies?

"The decision on what family planning method to use – natural or artificial – is up to every couple," asserts Osias. "Of course, they must make sure that the method they use is legal, safe, affordable, and consistent with their religious and personal beliefs and principles. It is best for them to consult a doctor in either government or private hospitals on the method best suited for them. For single persons, especially teenagers and young adults, the surest and safest method is to avoid situations that could lead to sex until you are ready for parenthood. Avoid being alone with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Once you engage in sex, there is always the risk of an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy.

"It must be strongly emphasized that abortion is absolutely not considered an acceptable family planning method. The Philippine government views abortion as highly illegal and immoral. Precisely, we want to educate couples on proper natural or artificial family planning methods to prevent unwanted and unplanned pregnancies that, too often, lead to tragic abortions."

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