Reworking heirloom jewelry: Little gems of wisdom


Does jewelry have to match? If I have a set, must I wear the ring with the earrings and vice versa? Should dangling earrings be worn only at night, never during the day?  Is it a “crime” of sorts to have heirloom jewelry (in a design I will never wear) reworked to something more contemporary?  My mom says it is horrible for me to even think of tinkering with the design of my grandmother’s jewelry.


Everything is relative, really.  And in the case of jewelry, especially inherited ones, it is a very personal thing so you can really go either which way.  It is all up to you.  To answer your first question, I think jewelry has to be fun.  There should be no rules although I think it would be more interesting if you mix and match a bit. Sometimes, it can be way too much to wear a whole suite, you don’t want to look so grand especially if you’re so young still. 

In terms of reworking heirloom jewelry, you have to be very sure about it.  Especially if it has been passed on from generation to generation and speaks of a special story as well as a history, then maybe you should not.  Unless, of course, it is a really hideous piece that you will never enjoy because you would much rather keep it stashed in a vault. But there are times when it will be wise to rework old jewelry, for instance, when you have a bunch of many little pieces that you can pool together to make just one significant piece.  Summed up, you have to find that balance of what will work for you without compromising too much of whatever sentimental value it holds.  Also, remember that we are always on different levels of listening.  Our taste and preferences will evolve with time so be mindful of that.  On a worst case scenario, take a photo of the original piece so that if somewhere down the road you will regret having had had it reworked, you still have the option of restoring it to the way it used to be. 


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Eye makeup 101


I don’t own any makeup brushes, but I really want to try eye makeup. Is there any way I can get around that?


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Most palettes will come with a little sponge-tipped applicator or two, maybe even a brush, so while pro tools may be easier to use and give better results, you won’t be completely without.

Personally, if I’m not gunning for anything more complicated than a wash of neutral color or a slightly messy smoky eye, I actually prefer to apply eye shadow with my fingers. (I guess I never grew out of the finger painting stage!) It may be just me, but I find blending easier that way.

One option is to pick up an eye shadow stick. Basically, you use them to shade all over your lid and then just blend out with a fingertip. (Use your ring finger; it’s got the lightest touch and won’t tug too hard or rub off too much product.) Clinique’s Chubby Stick Shadow Tint for Eyes (yup, they made a Chubby Stick for your peepers!) is super easy to use and comes in a variety of really wearable shades; use just one, or mix and blend.


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Younger and softer skin in just one wash


I hope you can help me. I will be in Europe early next month. My current facial wash is fine for our weather but dries my skin in colder countries. What facial wash will prevent my face from drying up but at the same time will not make me shine?


Most women think that if their facial wash gives a tingly tight feeling after, then it’s a good one. Nothing is more false. Whenever this happens, your skin is actually being stripped of not just excess oil but even its natural moisturizers, which are needed to keep skin soft and young-looking. So hooray to you for seeking a facial wash that does not dry the skin! 

When the weather is cooler, I also switch to a different facial wash. When skin is overly dry, it tries to compensate by producing even more oil, thus possibly worsening breakouts. Drier skin means older-looking skin, too! I have two non-drying facial washes on my bathroom shelf right now. First is The Body Shop Tea Tree Cool & Creamy Wash. This is tough on blemish-causing bacteria and removes excess oil and impurities without over drying the skin. This creamy facial wash instantly leaves the skin feeling fresher and softer. Second is Pond’s Gold Radiance Cleansing Mousse. This is amazingly gentle on skin but can also easily wash off dirt, oil, and makeup. I love how this cleansing mousse combats aging and gives a clean, refreshing feeling without making my skin feel tight or dry. It’s like younger and softer skin in one wash!


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Send e-mail to Lucy Torres-Gomez at E-mail Rissa Trillo at or follow her on Twitter @RissaMananquil. Send Regina Belmonte your questions at or tweet her @vivatregina.

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