Paddling for progress

Roberto E. Aboitiz, president of FBMA Bobcock Marine, Inc. and the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation Inc. (RAFI), believes in the principle of bugsay — stressing the importance of personal leadership to inspire others to do their best. “Bugsay” is the Bisaya word for paddle, and this symbolizes one’s capability and accountability for action.

“Every person is given bugsay — the power to act, to achieve and to propel to become the person of their choice,” Aboitiz said during the conferment of his honorary degree for Doctor of Business Management by the University of Recoletos. “It is important to have a destination while paddling, to have a plan and to be prepared to deal with setbacks and changes as they are part of life.”

In keeping with the theme of “inspiring leaders for a better future,” Aboitiz’s message of bugsay was echoed during his speech at the recently concluded 6th Aboitiz Future Leaders Business Summit held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu City. At the summit, 90 of the country’s top third- and fourth-year university students listened to talks from business leaders, partook in plenary discussions, engaged in simulated real-life work and business exercises, and were given an up-close preview of corporate life and what being in business is all about.

Only the best make the cut. After being selected by their respective school administrations, the students undergo screening by the Aboitiz Group. This includes both comprehension and interview components. To be able to join this prestigious event, one must excel.

“If you look at the profiles of our delegates, they are leaders in their own right: presidents of their respective clubs, leaders in the student council, leaders who are active in campus life and other extracurricular activities — they all show leadership potential,” says Txabi Aboitiz, senior vice president of Quality and People Development for Aboitiz and Company, Inc.

Topics that were discussed at the summit included product branding, nation building and sustainability, the influence of new media and improved technology on businesses, people development, personal financial management, brand building, customer service, corporate social responsibility, and creating and maintaining a world-class company.

This may seem like a lot to digest in a two-day summit, but according to Txabi, it would be a waste not to expose the delegates to all of this quality information: “There’s so much to pick up here. One of the comments I hear from people — not the students themselves — is that we are putting too much out there, that it may be a little overwhelming. But I feel that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is important that these students get the opportunity to hear it all; if you give them just a few nuggets to nibble on, sayang.”

The summit also featured talks by Attorney Antonio Oposa Jr., president of the Law of Nature Foundation and 2009 Ramon Magsaysay awardee for environmental activism; and Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino, social entrepreneur and one of the Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Philippines (TOYM) for 2010 in the categories of Social Enterprise and Community Development.

Students take part in team-building exercises in between talks.

Atty. Oposa’s speech revolved around the idea of environmental preservation and how this is an integral part of future human social development and advancement. Bam’s, on the other hand, was about realizing the strength of the “little guy” (using his example of the Hapinoy project and how it collectivizes the efforts of sari-sari stores with the aim of alleviating poverty), and that he, too, needs to be empowered. Considering the steady depletion of our country’s natural resources and the increasing amount of poverty, these speeches must have struck a chord in delegates who dream of one day leading this country.

Aside from discovering the future talents of the business realm, the Aboitiz Group must also be commended for empowering these young people. Activities like this summit are important for unlocking the hidden potential that certain individuals possess. And this, many would believe, begins with confidence.

Txabi Aboitiz shares these parting words about the Future Leaders Business Summit: “One of the responses we have gotten from school principals about the students that return from the summit is that their confidence levels have increased, which is heartwarming for us. At least they’ve captured a lot from this.”

For more information about the Aboitiz Group of Companies, visit their website at

Also check out for a closer look at Bam Aquino’s social entrepreneurship project, and type “The Oposa Doctrine” in Google to find out more about Attorney Oposa’s advocacies.

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