And love will rule the stars!

We are at the worst possible times with all the problems we have, it’s very hard to imagine our future bright. Let’s make a list: environmental deterioration, diminishing resources, pollution, unrest and political instabilities, inflation, and on the internal personality aspect, apathy, loneliness and a lack of direction. Yet, to all these, I sing, “and Love shall rule the stars!” (from the song Aquarius of the ‘70s musical Hair). As we purge the end-of-a-time energies this 2012, beyond the horizon lies a new dawning of the astrological Age of Aquarius. This happens every two thousand years, the last one coinciding with the birth and presence of the Master Christ.

This may sound fantastic and even weird for the pragmatic personality caught in the mundane material world of profit and ambition  but truly, the signs in the heavens point to an extraordinary renewal in the coming years as we make the turn at the jump-off year of 2012. A new age is dawning where nothing more than the revival of the spirit and awakening of consciousness is in the gift of this birthing.

So what does this have to do with Love? Everything. And what does this have to do with you, me and everything else on this Planet? Everything. Firstly, there are wild, deep changes happening, and even the Planet is already offbeat with weird weather patterns and earth changes. Institutions are breaking up and mindsets of fundamentalisms are being challenged. For through the conflict of these wild energies where the lower energies (negativities) are battling the higher (lighter) energies, we are beginning to awaken to understand and feel the many nuances of the Love “that rules the stars.”

As we come to heal our personal wounds, issues and accept who we truly are, as we are, and that everything is perfect for where we are at this moment, we truly begin to Love Ourselves.

As we come to understand that our partners, spouses or companions are karmic connections, either as soul mates that bring deep joy, or karmic partnerships that bring out our light and strength through pain, we awaken to transformative Love. Then we can take the pleasurable, dizzying froth of romantic love and not lose our grounding. When we can say “I love you”  period. And expect no phrase or connecting sentence to this, no tugging at our heart for a desire to say something more… then we know we have learned to love another.

Our individual worth comes from inside, from what we have inside, through our development, our evolution and what we can give to society. Our drastic differences, our judgmental separatist attitudes that create the gaps between each other, all begin to dissolve and integrate into the whole. We unify into collaborative and compassionate ventures, reach out to alleviate poverty and suffering, focus on empowering another and suddenly find ourselves empowered… then we would be loving compassionately. We live in service as we serve Life. We integrate and unify with the energy of this vast Planet shuddering in pain, reaching out to the Universe, with the great Cosmic Spirit, with God as our religions define this to be… then we suddenly have become the Love promised by the stars.

So when we stare at our partner for the nth time and wish s/he would change; when we look at the destruction of the rainforests and feel how useless all our little recycling efforts are; when we see the sadness and hunger reflected in the eyes of a malnourished or abused child staring back through tinted glass; know that Love stirs in this perfection. In the perfection of this imperfection, changes are unfolding. And the dawning of a new age continues.

Love is the mind’s madness, emotion’s fury, the body’s aching desire.

Love is commitment, duty, responsibility, compassion and service.

Beyond all these, Love is Bliss.

May you find this Bliss this Valentine’s Day!

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