Sara Black: Work in progress

“I am still on my way to what I believe is a truly healthy lifestyle,” top photographer Sara Black admits. Since she forayed into photography, Sara has been working practically non-stop — either in the studio or on various locations — to come up with some of the most impressive works today. While work, without doubt, stands as a primary source of inspiration and fulfillment for Sara, there are times when the long hours begin to take a toll on her health. She shares, “Work can be a bit physically taxing especially when shooting on location and you have all the elements working against you. As a photographer, the hours are long and there is very little time for exercise.” And though most days for her are anything but leisurely, Sara sees to it that she is able to give her body the proper nourishment and pampering it deserves. “I watch what I eat. I make sure that outside of work, I eat good, quality food. I also indulge in going to the spa once in a while when I feel my stress level’s reaching its peak. It also helps keep my sanity,” says Sara. On other days, she rewards herself with an interesting read or a good movie with friends.

Having had her share of stress and fatigue, Sara has now learned to be more in-tune with her body — to know its limits and needs. “I’ve learned to listen to my body tell me what it needs and when it’s time to give it a rest,” reveals the young achiever. Not one to jump into the usual bandwagon of fad diets and weight loss programs, she is rather keen on establishing a sound and healthy lifestyle saying, “It’s better to do it in stages.”

When talking about living life, Sara also places emphasis on prioritizing one’s health. It actually was from a recent trip to Africa when she realized this and shares, “On a recent trip to Africa, I had an epiphany about life: if it has value to you, you should protect it.” It was then but perfect timing that she was invited to join the Bravehearts campaign for Cervical Cancer Awareness.

Led by the Cervical Cancer Prevention Network (CECAP), the Cancer Institute Foundation (CIF) and supported by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Philippines, Bravehearts is a multi-sectoral coalition dedicated to raising awareness on cervical cancer and how this second highest killing cancer in the Philippines can be prevented. Sara goes on to suggest that it would be best for women to do their research on health.

“It’s awareness that matters most. As I said, I am still on my way to what I believe is a truly healthy lifestyle. I suppose what is important is my awareness and desire. I make the necessary adjustments in my food intake or daily schedule based on that — taking in more fruits and vegetables, vitamins and more importantly, knowing when to call it a day.” She is, admittedly, still a work in progress as she tries to establish the ideal, healthy lifestyle into her daily routine. And it is more than just admirable to see the amount of time and effort that one as busy as Sara puts into achieving this very goal. All this, ultimately, can only be beneficial to one’s life and disposition.

Sara confirms, “You can’t really have a life if you are always sick or feeling weak. You really can experience more if you’re healthy. I feel sharper at work and I don’t tire easily when traveling — two things that I love most.”

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